Valadares Gaia Recreativa de Lamelas Match Result, Match Score

Campeonato de Portugal Prio - Group B - Group B - 25 Football Match between Valadares Gaia and Recreativa de Lamelas
Valadares Gaia 2-1

Recreativa de Lamelas
Valadares Gaia (H.T: 0-0) Recreativa de Lamelas
  24/03/2024 19:00  
Stadium: Complexo Desportivo de Valadares Referee of the Match: Henrique Caldeira

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

Goal Pedro Matos (Goal) 48'
51' Goal Pedro Pinto (Goal)
Player change Gabriel Oliveira (In)
Rui Santos (Out)
71' Player change Luís Almeida (In)
Hugo Parente (Out)
71' Player change Francisco Loureiro (In)
Diogo Braz (Out)
Goal Diogo Cunha (Goal) 74'
Player change Diogo Moura (In)
H. Usman (Out)
80' Player change Márcio Santos (In)
Valdo (Out)
Player change Pedro Matos (In)
Hugo Duque (Out)
Player change Rui Santos (In)
Mauro Luís (Out)
84' Player change Márcio Anastácio (In)
Diogo Lemos (Out)

Valadares Gaia vs Recreativa de Lamelas Team line-ups

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
10/12/2023 18:00 Recreativa de Lamelas 1-2 Valadares Gaia 0-1
24/03/2024 19:00 Valadares Gaia 2-1 Recreativa de Lamelas 0-0

League Standings

2023/2024 Campeonato de Portugal Prio: Group B Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Amarante Amarante 59
2 São João Ver São João Ver 45
3 Gondomar Gondomar 43
4 AD Marco 09 AD Marco 09 41
5 Rebordosa Rebordosa 36
6 Paredes Paredes 35
7 Salgueiros Salgueiros 35
8 Guimaraes B Guimaraes B 34
9 Beira-Mar Beira-Mar 34
10 Florgrade Florgrade 33
11 CF Oliveira Douro CF Oliveira Douro 26
12 Valadares Gaia Valadares Gaia 24
13 Recreativa de Lamelas Recreativa de Lamelas 24
14 Vila Meã Vila Meã 22
Latest updated standings for 2023/2024 Campeonato de Portugal Prio: Group B as of 10/04/2024.