Universidad de Concepcion Magallanes Match Result, Match Score

Copa Chile - Semi-finals Football Match between Universidad de Concepcion and Magallanes
Universidad de Concepcion 1-3

Universidad de Concepcion (H.T: 0-2) Magallanes
  28/09/2023 02:30  
Stadium: Estadio Municipal Alcaldesa Ester Roa Rebolledo Referee of the Match: F. Vejar

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

34' Goal M. Vicuña (Goal)
44' Goal from Penalty T. Jones (Goal from Penalty)
Player change J. Sanhueza (In)
M. García (Out)
Yellow Card G. Lauler 56'
Goal E. Ahumada (Goal) 59'
Player change L. Molina (In)
O. González (Out)
Player change S. Gallegos (In)
M. Donoso (Out)
Player change I. Ibáñez (In)
Olivares (Out)
Yellow Card P. Sanhueza Esparza 65'
66' Yellow Card S. Contreras
68' Player change C. Villanueva (In)
J. Quiroz (Out)
68' Player change M. Vicuña (In)
A. Barría (Out)
Player change H. Astudillo (In)
J. Bogmis (Out)
78' Player change A. Souper (In)
J. Alfaro (Out)
79' Yellow Card N. Crovetto
89' Player change N. Crovetto (In)
N. Núñez (Out)
89' Player change T. Jones (In)
T. Aránguiz (Out)
90' Goal J. Quiroz (Goal)

Universidad de Concepcion vs Magallanes Team line-ups

Universidad de Concepcion Starting Lineups
13 J. Sanhueza
4 G. Lauler
3 E. Ahumada
2 J. Saldías
27 L. Molina
21 P. Sanhueza
11 I. Ibáñez
14 F. Orellana
34 S. Gallegos
10 M. Pérez
15 H. Astudillo
1 M. García
33 O. González
24 M. Donoso
37 Olivares
9 J. Bogmis
23 R. González
20 R. Riquelme
Coach : M. Ramírez

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
29/07/2021 01:30 Universidad de Concepcion 1-1 Magallanes 0-0
13/10/2021 18:00 Magallanes 3-0 Universidad de Concepcion 1-0
10/03/2022 00:00 Magallanes 1-0 Universidad de Concepcion 0-0
24/07/2022 19:30 Universidad de Concepcion 0-2 Magallanes 0-1
17/08/2022 03:30 Universidad de Concepcion 0-2 Magallanes 0-0
20/08/2022 20:15 Magallanes 4-1 Universidad de Concepcion 3-1
28/09/2023 02:30 Universidad de Concepcion 1-3 Magallanes 0-2
04/10/2023 21:30 Magallanes 1-2 Universidad de Concepcion 1-1
20/03/2024 02:30 Universidad de Concepcion 2-1 Magallanes 1-0
31/07/2024 22:00 Magallanes 0-0 Universidad de Concepcion 0-0
01/03/2025 02:30 Universidad de Concepcion 2-1 Magallanes 1-0