U Craiova 1948 FC Voluntari Match Result, Match Score

Cupa României - Quarter-finals Football Match between U Craiova 1948 and FC Voluntari
U Craiova 1948 0-0

FT Penalties Result : 0-1
FC Voluntari
U Craiova 1948 (H.T: 0-0) FC Voluntari
  03/04/2024 18:00  
Stadium: Complex Sportiv Craiova Referee of the Match: F. Andrei

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

30' Yellow Card N. Carnat
Player change Matheus Mascarenhas (In)
R. Negru (Out)
60' Player change E. Lambrinoc (In)
R. Popescu (Out)
60' Player change G. Merloi (In)
D. Florea (Out)
Player change A. Kvakić (In)
G. Compagnucci (Out)
97' Player change Y. Roemer (In)
Marcelo Lopes (Out)
Player change W. Baeten (In)
A. Blidar (Out)
106' Player change M. Răduț (In)
R. Voican (Out)
Player change D. Albu (In)
R. Lekiatas (Out)
Player change V. Blănuță (In)
A. Chițu (Out)
Player change S. Sidibe (In)
A. Dragu (Out)
114' Yellow Card G. Turda
Goal from Penalty R. Negru (Goal from Penalty) 120'
120' Missed Penalty R. Voican (Missed Penalty)
Missed Penalty V. Pop (Missed Penalty) 120'
120' Goal from Penalty A. Ciobanu (Goal from Penalty)
Goal from Penalty G. Compagnucci (Goal from Penalty) 120'
120' Goal from Penalty R. Popescu (Goal from Penalty)
120' Goal from Penalty D. Florea (Goal from Penalty)

U Craiova 1948 vs FC Voluntari Team line-ups

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
31/07/2021 19:15 FC Voluntari 2-1 Penalties Result : 0-1 U Craiova 1948 0-0
05/12/2021 17:00 U Craiova 1948 0-2 Penalties Result : 0-1 FC Voluntari 0-0
16/09/2022 18:00 FC Voluntari 1-0 Penalties Result : 0-1 U Craiova 1948 1-0
10/11/2022 17:00 U Craiova 1948 1-0 Penalties Result : 0-1 FC Voluntari 1-0
20/02/2023 21:00 U Craiova 1948 2-1 Penalties Result : 0-1 FC Voluntari 0-1
14/04/2023 18:00 U Craiova 1948 3-3 Penalties Result : 0-1 FC Voluntari 1-0
26/05/2023 20:00 U Craiova 1948 3-3 Penalties Result : 0-1 FC Voluntari 1-0
11/08/2023 20:30 U Craiova 1948 3-1 Penalties Result : 0-1 FC Voluntari 3-0
15/12/2023 18:00 FC Voluntari 0-1 Penalties Result : 0-1 U Craiova 1948 0-1
03/04/2024 18:00 U Craiova 1948 0-0 Penalties Result : 0-1 FC Voluntari 0-0
23/04/2024 17:00 FC Voluntari 0-0 Penalties Result : 0-1 U Craiova 1948 0-0
21/10/2024 16:30 U Craiova 1948 0-0 Penalties Result : 0-1 FC Voluntari 0-0