Tombense Cruzeiro Match Result, Match Score

Mineiro - 1 - Regular Season - 6 Football Match between Tombense and Cruzeiro
Tombense 0-3

Tombense (H.T: 0-1) Cruzeiro
  13/02/2022 01:00  
Stadium: Estádio Antônio Guimarães de Almeida Referee of the Match: Marco Aurelio Augusto Fazekas Pereira

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

19' Goal Daniel (Goal)
32' Yellow Card Bruno Jose
Player change Marquinhos (In)
Alison (Out)
47' Goal Giovanni (Goal)
60' Player change Lucas Ventura (In)
Marco Antônio (Out)
Player change Keké (In)
Kleiton (Out)
Player change Jean Lucas (In)
Vinicius Mingotti (Out)
68' Player change Ageu (In)
Fernando Canesin (Out)
68' Player change Giovanni (In)
Vitor Roque (Out)
Player change David (In)
Genilson (Out)
Player change Everton (In)
Lucas Santos (Out)
79' Player change Rafael Santos (In)
Weverton (Out)
79' Player change Daniel (In)
Diego (Out)
Yellow Card Lucas Santos 90'
Yellow Card Daniel Amorim 90'
90' Goal Thiago (Goal)

Tombense vs Cruzeiro Team line-ups

Cruzeiro Starting Lineups
Denivys 31
Mateus Silva 4
Rafael Santos 36
Paulo 43
Geovane 42
Giovanni 10
Lucas Ventura 5
Daniel 48
Bruno José 7
Thiago 18
Ageu 45
Marco Antônio 20
Vitor Roque 39
Fernando Canesin 55
Weverton 44
Diego 52
Marcelinho 47
Ezequiel 51
A. Matos 50
Coach : P. Pezzolano

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
01/04/2021 22:00 Cruzeiro 0-0 Tombense 0-0
13/02/2022 01:00 Tombense 0-3 Cruzeiro 0-1
24/04/2022 01:00 Tombense 1-1 Cruzeiro 0-0
07/08/2022 01:00 Cruzeiro 2-0 Tombense 0-0
11/03/2024 01:30 Tombense 0-0 Cruzeiro 0-0
16/03/2024 22:30 Cruzeiro 3-1 Tombense 1-0
20/01/2025 02:00 Cruzeiro 1-0 Tombense 1-0

League Standings

2022 Mineiro 1: Regular Season Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Atletico-MG Atletico-MG 28
2 Athletic Club Athletic Club 25
3 Cruzeiro Cruzeiro 22
4 Caldense Caldense 18
5 America Mineiro America Mineiro 17
6 Villa Nova Villa Nova 15
7 Democrata GV Democrata GV 14
8 Tombense Tombense 11
9 CAP CAP 10
10 Pouso Alegre Pouso Alegre 9
11 Uberlandia Uberlandia 9
12 Uniao Trabalhadores Uniao Trabalhadores 7
Latest updated standings for 2022 Mineiro 1: Regular Season as of 03/04/2022.