São Luiz Ypiranga-RS Match Result, Match Score

- Taça Farroupilha - Final Football Match between São Luiz and Ypiranga-RS
São Luiz 0-2

São Luiz (H.T: 0-1) Ypiranga-RS
  02/03/2025 01:00  
Stadium: Estádio 19 de Outubro

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

45' Goal Heitor (Goal)
46' Player change Luciano (In)
Joao Paulo (Out)
Player change Gabriel Davis (In)
Guilherme Garre (Out)
Player change Da Silva (In)
Matheuzinho (Out)
55' Player change Danielzinho (In)
Felipe Marques (Out)
55' Player change Clayton (In)
Lucas Ramos (Out)
Red Card Anderson Recife 57'
62' Yellow Card Jean Pyerre
Yellow Card Rafael Goiano 62'
Player change Diego (In)
Maikon Aquino (Out)
72' Goal Danielzinho (Goal)
79' Player change Rian (In)
Roger (Out)
83' Player change D. J. Salas De La Hoz A. (In)
Jean Pyerre (Out)
Player change Felipe Tontini (In)
Luiz Henrique (Out)

Players for this match have not been announced yet.

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
23/01/2020 02:00 Ypiranga-RS 1-0 São Luiz 0-0
27/02/2021 21:30 São Luiz 0-3 Ypiranga-RS 0-2
28/01/2022 01:00 Ypiranga-RS 2-1 São Luiz 2-1
22/01/2023 01:00 São Luiz 1-1 Ypiranga-RS 0-1
18/02/2024 02:00 São Luiz 0-0 Ypiranga-RS 0-0
31/12/2024 00:00 Ypiranga-RS - São Luiz
15/01/2025 01:30 São Luiz 0-1 Ypiranga-RS 0-0
30/01/2025 01:00 Ypiranga-RS 1-1 São Luiz 0-1
02/03/2025 01:00 São Luiz 0-2 Ypiranga-RS 0-1
09/03/2025 01:00 Ypiranga-RS 2-1 São Luiz 1-1