Santo André Botafogo SP Match Result, Match Score

Paulista - A1 - Regular Season - 4 Football Match between Santo André and Botafogo SP
Santo André 1-1

Botafogo SP
Santo André (H.T: 1-1) Botafogo SP
  26/01/2023 02:30  
Stadium: Estádio Bruno José Daniel Referee of the Match: Matheus Delgado Candançan

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

14' Yellow Card Lucas Dias Costa
18' Goal Robinho (Goal)
24' Player change Tárik (In)
Guilherme Madruga (Out)
44' Yellow Card Guilherme Madruga
Goal from Penalty Gabriel Taliari (Goal from Penalty) 45'
61' Player change Lucas Dias (In)
Gustavo Henrique (Out)
61' Player change Guilherme Madruga (In)
Guilherme Mantuan (Out)
68' Player change Caio Dantas (In)
Salatiel (Out)
68' Player change Robinho (In)
Osman (Out)
Player change Pablo Diogo (In)
José Hugo (Out)
Player change Gerson Magrão (In)
Nenê Bonilha (Out)
Player change Gabriel Taliari (In)
Wil Viana (Out)
Player change Léo Ceará (In)
Julio Vitor (Out)
Yellow Card Nenê Bonilha 90'

Santo André vs Botafogo SP Team line-ups

Santo André Starting Lineups
1 G Lucas Frigeri
2 D Ricardo Luz
3 D Rodolfo
4 D Matheus Mancini
6 D Romário
8 M Dudu Vieira
5 M Marthã Fernando
10 M Gerson Magrão
17 F Pablo Diogo
9 F Gabriel Taliari
11 F Leo Ceará
13 D Ednei
23 D Rafael Forster
14 M Djavan
15 D Moisés Ribeiro
20 M Nenê Bonilha
16 D Igor Fernandes
18 F Will
19 M Claudinho
21 F Vitinho
7 F José Hugo
12 G Eduardo
Coach : Vinícius Bergantin
Botafogo SP Starting Lineups
Matheus 1 G
Lucas Dias Costa 3 D
Diogo Silva 5 D
Marcel 4 D
Thassio 2 M
Tarik Boschetti 7 M
Fillipe Soutto 8 M
Jean Victor 6 M
Robinho 11 F
Caio Dantas 9 F
Lucas Lourenço 10 F
Rafael Pascoal 12 G
Gustavo Henrique 14 D
Gustavo Cipriano 13 D
Guilherme Mantuan 16 M
Edson 17 M
Arthur 21 M
Marcos Júnior 20 M
Guilherme Madruga 15 M
João Costa 22 M
Osman 18 F
Salatiel 19 F
Coach : Paulo Baier

Match Statistics

Shots on Goal 3
Shots off Goal 3
Total Shots 8
Blocked Shots 2
Shots insidebox 4
Shots outsidebox 4
Fouls 15
Corner Kicks 3
Ball Possession 41%
Yellow Cards 2
Goalkeeper Saves 7
Total passes 348
Passes accurate 253
Passes % 73%

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
26/01/2022 01:00 Botafogo SP 0-0 Santo André 0-0
26/01/2023 02:30 Santo André 1-1 Botafogo SP 1-1
02/02/2024 01:00 Botafogo SP 1-0 Santo André 1-0

League Standings

2023 Group B Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Palmeiras Palmeiras 28
2 São Bernardo São Bernardo 26
3 Sao Paulo Sao Paulo 23
4 Água Santa Água Santa 23
5 Corinthians Corinthians 22
6 RB Bragantino RB Bragantino 20
7 Mirassol Mirassol 15
8 Guarani Campinas Guarani Campinas 14
9 Botafogo SP Botafogo SP 14
10 Santo André Santo André 14
11 Santos Santos 14
12 Ituano Ituano 12
13 Inter De Limeira Inter De Limeira 11
14 Portuguesa Portuguesa 10
15 Sao Bento Sao Bento 10
16 Ferroviária Ferroviária 9
Latest updated standings for 2023 Group B as of 09/04/2023.

2023 Group C Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 RB Bragantino RB Bragantino 20
2 Botafogo SP Botafogo SP 14
3 Santos Santos 14
4 Inter De Limeira Inter De Limeira 11
Latest updated standings for 2023 Group C as of 09/04/2023.

2023 Group D Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Sao Paulo Sao Paulo 23
2 Água Santa Água Santa 23
3 Mirassol Mirassol 15
4 Guarani Campinas Guarani Campinas 14
Latest updated standings for 2023 Group D as of 09/04/2023.

2023 Group C Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Corinthians Corinthians 22
2 Ituano Ituano 12
3 Sao Bento Sao Bento 10
4 Ferroviária Ferroviária 9
Latest updated standings for 2023 Group C as of 09/04/2023.

2023 Group D Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Palmeiras Palmeiras 28
2 São Bernardo São Bernardo 26
3 Santo André Santo André 14
4 Portuguesa Portuguesa 10
Latest updated standings for 2023 Group D as of 09/04/2023.