Rayo Zuliano Yaracuyanos FC Match Result, Match Score

- Apertura - 8 Football Match between Rayo Zuliano and Yaracuyanos FC
Rayo Zuliano 2-0

Yaracuyanos FC
Rayo Zuliano (H.T: 2-0) Yaracuyanos FC
  15/03/2025 22:30  
Stadium: Estadio Olímpico José Encarnación Pachencho Romero Referee of the Match: J. Valenzuela

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

Yellow Card C. Lujano 21'
24' Yellow Card D. Ojeda
Goal from Penalty R. Blanco (Goal from Penalty) 26'
Goal R. Blanco (Goal) 28'
45' Yellow Card J. Torres
45' Red Card J. Torres
46' Player change M. Castro (In)
C. Mendoza (Out)
46' Player change J. Cuero (In)
E. D. Rodriguez Qulnones (Out)
46' Player change J. B. Cordoba (In)
J. A. Ordonez Cuero (Out)
Player change S. Ramirez (In)
C. Romero (Out)
Player change A. Montero (In)
R. Blanco (Out)
Player change J. Ochoa (In)
G. Martinez (Out)
Yellow Card J. Ochoa 59'
66' Player change D. Herrera (In)
V. H. Navas Barrera (Out)
Player change P. Pagnano (In)
G. Zuma (Out)
70' Yellow Card L. Ibarguen
Player change L. Urbina (In)
H. Ramirez (Out)
72' Player change V. Viez (In)
J. Perez (Out)
90' Yellow Card C. Vargas

Players for this match have not been announced yet.

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
15/03/2025 22:30 Rayo Zuliano 2-0 Yaracuyanos FC 2-0