PEPO Reipas Match Result, Match Score

Kakkonen - Lohko A - Group A - 4 Football Match between PEPO and Reipas
PEPO 1-1

PEPO (H.T: 1-1) Reipas
  30/06/2021 18:30  
Stadium: Kimpisen Urheilupuisto

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

29' Goal T. Kult (Goal)
Goal N. Veikkanen (Goal) 45'
Yellow Card M. Josimov 45'
49' Yellow Card E. Heinonen
53' Red Card
53' Yellow Card T. Torpo
77' Player change M. Tuomi (In)
T. Kult (Out)
Player change J. Sarkka (In)
P. Eskelinen (Out)
89' Yellow Card D. Koskipalo
90' Player change M. Niuta (In)
E. Heinonen (Out)

Players for this match have not been announced yet.

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
24/05/2020 03:00 Reipas - PEPO
01/08/2020 17:00 Reipas 4-1 PEPO 2-0
10/09/2020 18:30 PEPO 2-0 Reipas 0-0
17/10/2020 14:00 PEPO 6-0 Reipas 4-0
30/06/2021 18:30 PEPO 1-1 Reipas 1-1
04/09/2021 15:00 Reipas 0-1 PEPO 0-1
22/04/2023 16:00 Reipas 3-1 PEPO 2-1
21/09/2023 19:00 PEPO 1-3 Reipas 1-2
12/05/2024 18:30 PEPO 1-1 Reipas 1-0
13/07/2024 18:00 Reipas 1-1 PEPO 1-0
24/08/2024 16:00 Reipas 3-1 PEPO 1-0

League Standings

2021 Kakkonen: Group A Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 JäPS JäPS 55
3 Atlantis Atlantis 41
4 Reipas Reipas 32
5 PeKa PeKa 29
6 Kiffen Kiffen 29
7 KäPa KäPa 28
8 NJS NJS 27
9 KuFu-98 KuFu-98 26
11 MyPa MyPa 22
12 MiPK MiPK 15
Latest updated standings for 2021 Kakkonen: Group A as of 23/10/2021.