PAO Vardas Vyzas Megara Match Result, Match Score

Gamma Ethniki - Group 3 - Group 3 - 32 Football Match between PAO Vardas and Vyzas Megara
PAO Vardas -

Minute: 0
Vyzas Megara
PAO Vardas (H.T: ) Vyzas Megara
  20/04/2024 16:00  
Stadium: Stadio Grigorios Kalakos

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

Players for this match have not been announced yet.

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
17/12/2023 16:00 Vyzas Megara 2-4 PAO Vardas 1-2
20/04/2024 16:00 PAO Vardas - Vyzas Megara

League Standings

2023/2024 Gamma Ethniki: Group 3 Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Panargiakos Panargiakos 76
2 Korinthos Korinthos 70
3 Thyella Diastavroseos Thyella Diastavroseos 65
4 Ellas Syros Ellas Syros 63
5 Asteras Varis Asteras Varis 62
6 Marko Marko 56
7 Ialysos Ialysos 55
8 Panegialios Panegialios 55
9 Rodos Rodos 55
10 AE Mykonos AE Mykonos 51
11 Afantou Afantou 50
12 PAO Vardas PAO Vardas 40
13 Pyliou Pyliou 37
14 Panelefsiniakos Panelefsiniakos 35
15 Vyzas Megara Vyzas Megara 33
16 Erani Filiatra Erani Filiatra 23
17 Ermionida Ermionida 22
18 Missolonghi Missolonghi 3
Latest updated standings for 2023/2024 Gamma Ethniki: Group 3 as of 02/05/2024.