Omonia Nicosia AEL Match Result, Match Score

1. Division - Relegation Round - 8 Football Match between Omonia Nicosia and AEL
Omonia Nicosia 3-2

Omonia Nicosia (H.T: 0-1) AEL
  07/05/2022 19:00  
Stadium: Neo GSP Referee of the Match: Thomas Chatzivasiliou, Cyprus

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

7' Goal A. Marosa (Goal)
22' Yellow Card M. Torres
36' Yellow Card S. Medojevic
Player change T. Hubocan (In)
A. Lang (Out)
Goal from Penalty F. Papoulis (Goal from Penalty) 49'
61' Goal A. Marosa (Goal)
65' Player change S. Scepovic (In)
N. Milinceanu (Out)
65' Player change V. Papafotis (In)
M. Torres (Out)
Player change A. Savva (In)
E. Bautheac (Out)
Player change M. Scepovic (In)
A. Asimenos (Out)
Player change E. Asante (In)
A. Kakoullis (Out)
Goal E. Asante (Goal) 68'
79' Player change E. Andreou (In)
S. Medojevic (Out)
79' Player change Riera Sito (In)
A. Marosa (Out)
Player change M. Lovera (In)
P. Zachariou (Out)
Yellow Card Kiko 83'
Goal M. Scepovic (Goal) 88'
90' Yellow Card K. Sotiriou
90' Player change L. Zacharia (In)
D. Zdravkovski (Out)
90' Yellow Card Euller

Omonia Nicosia vs AEL Team line-ups

Match Statistics