Maringá Operario-PR Match Result, Match Score

- Final Football Match between Maringá and Operario-PR
Maringá 2-2

Maringá (H.T: 1-2) Operario-PR
  22/03/2025 22:00  
Stadium: Estádio Regional Willie Davids

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

6' Goal Boschilia (Goal)
25' Goal Neto Paraiba (Goal)
Goal Max Miller (Goal) 31'
42' Yellow Card Allano
Player change Cristovam (In)
Raphinha (Out)
47' Player change Indio (In)
Neto Paraiba (Out)
Goal Matheus Moraes (Goal) 52'
55' Yellow Card Allan Godoi
58' Player change Daniel Amorim (In)
Vinicius Mingotti (Out)
Player change Vilar (In)
Caua (Out)
71' Player change Jean Lucas (In)
Rodrigo Rodrigues (Out)
71' Player change Kleiton (In)
Allano (Out)
71' Player change Pedro Lucas (In)
Boschilia (Out)
Player change Bruno Cheron (In)
Buga (Out)
Player change Vitinho (In)
Leo Ceara (Out)
Player change Julio Rodrigues (In)
Matheus Moraes (Out)
Yellow Card Lucas Bonifacio 88'

Players for this match have not been announced yet.

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
25/04/2021 22:00 Maringá 0-0 Operario-PR 0-0
17/02/2022 02:30 Maringá 2-0 Operario-PR 0-0
25/03/2022 02:00 Operario-PR 1-1 Maringá 0-0
28/03/2022 00:00 Maringá 0-0 Operario-PR 0-0
30/01/2023 00:30 Operario-PR 2-2 Maringá 1-0
02/02/2024 02:30 Operario-PR 0-1 Maringá 0-1
15/02/2025 22:00 Operario-PR 3-1 Maringá 2-1
22/03/2025 22:00 Maringá 2-2 Operario-PR 1-2