Lusitano Évora 1911 Estoril Match Result, Match Score

Taça de Portugal - 3rd Round Football Match between Lusitano Évora 1911 and Estoril
Lusitano Évora 1911 0-0

FT Penalties Result : 1-0
Lusitano Évora 1911 (H.T: 0-0) Estoril
  20/10/2024 17:00  
Stadium: Campo Estrela Referee of the Match: Sérgio Guelho

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

33' Yellow Card
45' Player change Gonçalo Costa (In)
Michel (Out)
64' Player change Pedro Carvalho (In)
Wagner Pina (Out)
64' Player change Isra Sala (In)
Y. Begraoui (Out)
Player change S. Davou (In)
Tiago Baptista (Out)
Player change J. Bineabi (In)
André Santos (Out)
68' Player change Pedro Álvaro (In)
Isma Sierra (Out)
Player change Dida (In)
Alex Reis (Out)
Yellow Card 86'
89' Player change J. Holsgrove (In)
João Carvalho (Out)
90' Yellow Card
96' Player change Fabrício Garcia (In)
André Gonçalves (Out)
Player change Marcos Soares (In)
Rodrigo Monteiro (Out)
Player change Martim Águas (In)
Tomás Lima (Out)
Player change Mauro Andrade (In)
João Delgado (Out)
120' Yellow Card
120' Yellow Card

Lusitano Évora 1911 vs Estoril Team line-ups

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
20/10/2024 17:00 Lusitano Évora 1911 0-0 Penalties Result : 1-0 Estoril 0-0