FC Nottingen Normannia Gmünd Match Result, Match Score

Oberliga - Baden-Württemberg - Baden-Württemberg - 17 Football Match between FC Nottingen and Normannia Gmünd
FC Nottingen 3-1

Normannia Gmünd
FC Nottingen (H.T: 1-1) Normannia Gmünd
  10/11/2023 22:00  
Stadium: Kleiner-Arena

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

42' Goal A. Aschauer (Goal)
Goal N. Hecht-Zirpel (Goal) 44'
Goal from Penalty E. de Santis (Goal from Penalty) 79'
Goal E. Tubluk (Goal) 80'

Players for this match have not been announced yet.

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
10/11/2023 22:00 FC Nottingen 3-1 Normannia Gmünd 1-1
01/06/2024 16:30 Normannia Gmünd 1-3 FC Nottingen 0-2
04/10/2024 21:00 FC Nöttingen 1-3 Normannia Gmünd 0-0

League Standings

2023/2024 Oberliga: Baden-Württemberg Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 FC 08 Villingen FC 08 Villingen 72
2 Göppinger SV Göppinger SV 69
3 SG Sonnenhof Grossaspach SG Sonnenhof Grossaspach 68
4 CFR Pforzheim CFR Pforzheim 64
5 FC Nottingen FC Nottingen 60
6 Hollenbach Hollenbach 49
7 Normannia Gmünd Normannia Gmünd 48
8 Essingen Essingen 46
9 VfR Mannheim VfR Mannheim 43
10 Oberachern Oberachern 42
11 Backnang Backnang 42
12 Mutschelbach Mutschelbach 41
13 FV Ravensburg FV Ravensburg 40
14 Bissingen Bissingen 39
15 Reutlingen Reutlingen 37
16 FC Holzhausen FC Holzhausen 36
17 Denzlingen Denzlingen 36
18 Offenburger FV Offenburger FV 14
Latest updated standings for 2023/2024 Oberliga: Baden-Württemberg as of 04/06/2024.