FC Alverca II Sertanense Match Result, Match Score

Campeonato de Portugal Prio - Group C - Group C - 22 Football Match between FC Alverca II and Sertanense
FC Alverca II 0-1

FC Alverca II (H.T: 0-0) Sertanense
  03/03/2024 18:00  
Stadium: Centro Formaçao FC Alverca Campo 1 Referee of the Match: Rodrigo Macedo

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

Player change Francisco Moura (In)
Vitinho (Out)
Player change Nuno Gaspar (In)
Afonso Vagarinho (Out)
65' Player change Paulinho (In)
C. Molter (Out)
Player change Tomás Lacerda (In)
Janickson da Silva (Out)
Player change Diogo Cordes (In)
José Tavares (Out)
81' Player change Patrão Correia (In)
Gabriel Piçarra (Out)
Player change Rodrigo Pereira (In)
Tibério Cunha (Out)
85' Goal Mauro Santos (Goal)
90' Player change Tiago Rodrigues (In)
Hugo Macedo (Out)

FC Alverca II vs Sertanense Team line-ups

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
05/11/2023 18:00 Sertanense 0-0 FC Alverca II 0-0
03/03/2024 18:00 FC Alverca II 0-1 Sertanense 0-0
29/09/2024 17:00 Sertanense 1-1 FC Alverca II 1-1
09/02/2025 18:00 FC Alverca II 1-1 Sertanense 0-0

League Standings

2023/2024 Campeonato de Portugal Prio: Group C Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 União Santarém União Santarém 55
2 Lusitânia Lusitânia 51
3 Marinhense Marinhense 50
4 União de Coimbra União de Coimbra 38
5 Benfica Castelo Branco Benfica Castelo Branco 37
6 FC Alverca II FC Alverca II 37
7 Sertanense Sertanense 37
8 Mortágua Mortágua 37
9 Peniche Peniche 37
10 Fontinhas Fontinhas 32
11 Rabo Peixe Rabo Peixe 31
12 Vitória de Sernache Vitória de Sernache 25
13 Gouveia Gouveia 21
14 União de Tomar União de Tomar 17
Latest updated standings for 2023/2024 Campeonato de Portugal Prio: Group C as of 10/04/2024.