EC São Bernardo Oeste Match Result, Match Score

Copa Paulista - 1st Round - 5 Football Match between EC São Bernardo and Oeste
EC São Bernardo 0-1

EC São Bernardo (H.T: 0-0) Oeste
  13/07/2024 16:00  
Stadium: Estádio Municipal Antônio Soares de Oliveira Referee of the Match: Guilherme Francisco Maciel da Silva e Rosário

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

55' Goal Diogo (Goal)
Player change Pedro Mota (In)
Iuri (Out)
Player change Ruan (In)
Natanael (Out)
Player change Lucas Alves (In)
Gustavo Evaristo (Out)
65' Player change Gabryel Freitas (In)
Lucas Alvim (Out)
65' Player change Henry (In)
Kauã Souza (Out)
72' Player change Kléber Balotelli (In)
Adsonnaldo (Out)
Player change Deco (In)
Gabriel (Out)
83' Player change Flavio Mendonça (In)
Matheus Albino (Out)
83' Player change Diogo (In)
Rhaisson (Out)
Player change Dudu (In)
Kauã (Out)

EC São Bernardo vs Oeste Team line-ups

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
27/02/2021 21:00 EC São Bernardo - Oeste
03/08/2022 21:00 EC São Bernardo 1-3 Oeste 1-1
03/09/2022 21:00 Oeste 2-0 EC São Bernardo 1-0
13/07/2024 16:00 EC São Bernardo 0-1 Oeste 0-0
17/08/2024 21:00 Oeste 3-0 EC São Bernardo 1-0