Deportes Limache Linares Unido Match Result, Match Score

Segunda División - Regular Season - 5 Football Match between Deportes Limache and Linares Unido
Deportes Limache 2-1

Linares Unido
Deportes Limache (H.T: 1-0) Linares Unido
  27/03/2023 01:00  
Stadium: Estadio Municipal Nicolás Chahuán Nazar Referee of the Match: F. González

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

Goal M. Sánchez (Goal) 10'
Yellow Card J. Vasquez 17'
Yellow Card J. Vasquez 34'
Red Card J. Vasquez 34'
Red Card K. Mundaca 42'
44' Yellow Card N. Espinoza
Player change D. Castro (In)
M. Flores (Out)
46' Player change B. Saavedra (In)
J. Molina (Out)
46' Player change D. Saldaña (In)
N. Barrios (Out)
Player change J. Retamales (In)
M. Godoy (Out)
50' Yellow Card E. Antilef
51' Yellow Card M. Gallardo
53' Player change E. Antilef (In)
L. Oyarzo (Out)
Goal from Penalty M. Sánchez (Goal from Penalty) 54'
59' Player change K. Campillay (In)
B. Martínez (Out)
64' Player change M. Quezada (In)
Á. Díaz (Out)
68' Goal L. Oyarzo (Goal)
Player change M. Sánchez (In)
W. Gama (Out)

Deportes Limache vs Linares Unido Team line-ups

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
27/03/2023 01:00 Deportes Limache 2-1 Linares Unido 1-0
05/08/2023 22:00 Linares Unido 0-1 Deportes Limache 0-0

League Standings

2023 Segunda División Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Deportes Limache Deportes Limache 61
2 D. Melipilla D. Melipilla 47
3 Fernández Vial Fernández Vial 40
4 San Antonio Unido San Antonio Unido 40
5 Lautaro de Buin Lautaro de Buin 37
6 Provincial Osorno Provincial Osorno 34
7 Trasandino Trasandino 34
8 Concepción Concepción 31
9 General Velásquez General Velásquez 29
10 Real San Joaquín Real San Joaquín 29
11 Deportes Rengo Deportes Rengo 26
12 Deportes Valdivia Deportes Valdivia 26
13 Linares Unido Linares Unido 25
14 Iberia Iberia 22
Latest updated standings for 2023 Segunda División as of 16/10/2023.

2023 Segunda División Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Deportes Limache Deportes Limache 46
2 D. Melipilla D. Melipilla 31
3 Lautaro de Buin Lautaro de Buin 30
4 Fernández Vial Fernández Vial 28
5 San Antonio Unido San Antonio Unido 28
6 Provincial Osorno Provincial Osorno 27
7 Deportes Valdivia Deportes Valdivia 26
8 Trasandino Trasandino 26
9 Real San Joaquín Real San Joaquín 26
10 Deportes Rengo Deportes Rengo 21
11 Concepción Concepción 20
12 General Velásquez General Velásquez 19
13 Linares Unido Linares Unido 15
14 Iberia Iberia 13
Latest updated standings for 2023 Segunda División as of 27/08/2023.