Caucaia Uniclinic Atletico Clube Match Result, Match Score

Cearense - 1 - Relegation Round - 6 Football Match between Caucaia and Uniclinic Atletico Clube
Caucaia 0-1

Uniclinic Atletico Clube
Caucaia (H.T: 0-0) Uniclinic Atletico Clube
  16/03/2024 01:00  
Stadium: Estádio Municipal Raimundo de Oliveira Filho Referee of the Match: Avelar Rodrigo Da Silva

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

Player change Guga (In)
Henrique (Out)
47' Yellow Card Ari
57' Player change Gêmeo (In)
Yuri (Out)
57' Player change Alexandre Manzoni (In)
Luan Lucas (Out)
57' Player change Carlos Gabriel (In)
João Victor (Out)
60' Yellow Card
Yellow Card 60'
Player change Goiaba (In)
Alexandre (Out)
Yellow Card 66'
69' Player change Cadu (In)
Adrielson (Out)
Player change Romario (In)
Gênesis (Out)
Yellow Card 73'
73' Goal Adrielson (Goal)
Player change Alan (In)
Lucas Viana (Out)
Player change Ceará (In)
Felipinho (Out)
Yellow Card 82'
84' Player change Henrique (In)
Israel Kami (Out)

Caucaia vs Uniclinic Atletico Clube Team line-ups

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
13/07/2020 20:00 Caucaia 0-3 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 0-1
17/02/2021 21:30 Caucaia 0-3 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 0-1
05/05/2021 21:30 Caucaia 0-6 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 0-3
20/06/2021 21:00 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 4-1 Caucaia 0-0
20/08/2021 22:00 Caucaia 3-4 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 2-3
21/01/2022 21:00 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 0-1 Caucaia 0-1
12/02/2022 22:00 Caucaia 5-2 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 2-1
21/05/2023 22:00 Caucaia 1-3 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 0-2
09/07/2023 21:00 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 3-0 Caucaia 0-0
25/02/2024 22:00 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 2-2 Caucaia 2-1
16/03/2024 01:00 Caucaia 0-1 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 0-0
15/02/2025 21:30 Caucaia 1-0 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 0-0
17/03/2025 21:30 Uniclinic Atletico Clube 0-4 Caucaia 0-3

League Standings

2024 Group A Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Fortaleza EC Fortaleza EC 11
2 Maracanã Maracanã 9
3 Floresta Floresta 7
4 Caucaia Caucaia 3
5 Uniclinic Atletico Clube Uniclinic Atletico Clube 2
Latest updated standings for 2024 Group A as of 09/04/2024.

2024 Group B Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Ceara Ceara 11
2 Iguatu Iguatu 10
3 Ferroviario Ferroviario 8
4 Horizonte Horizonte 4
5 Barbalha Barbalha 2
Latest updated standings for 2024 Group B as of 09/04/2024.