Angkor Tiger Electricite du Cambodge Match Result, Match Score

C-League - Relegation Round - 2 Football Match between Angkor Tiger and Electricite du Cambodge
Angkor Tiger 4-3

Electricite du Cambodge
Angkor Tiger (H.T: 2-1) Electricite du Cambodge
  10/10/2020 11:30  
Stadium: SRU Stadium

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

11' Goal T. Sa (Goal)
Goal Y. Ogawa (Goal) 43'
Goal J. Sugiyama (Goal) 45'
50' Goal V. Chhoeung (Goal)
59' Goal T. Sa (Goal)
Goal S. Dauna (Goal) 67'
Goal D. Rozzan (Goal) 74'

Players for this match have not been announced yet.

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
29/06/2019 11:30 Angkor Tiger 3-1 Electricite du Cambodge
02/11/2019 11:30 Electricite du Cambodge 1-2 Angkor Tiger
05/07/2020 11:30 Electricite du Cambodge 2-2 Angkor Tiger 0-1
10/10/2020 11:30 Angkor Tiger 4-3 Electricite du Cambodge 2-1
12/07/2021 11:30 Angkor Tiger 3-1 Electricite du Cambodge 3-0
23/10/2021 11:30 Electricite du Cambodge - Angkor Tiger

League Standings

2020 C-League: Championship Round Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Svay Rieng Svay Rieng 41
2 Boeung Ket Boeung Ket 41
3 Phnom Penh Crown Phnom Penh Crown 33
4 National Defense National Defense 27
5 Visakha Visakha 25
6 NagaWorld NagaWorld 25
Latest updated standings for 2020 C-League: Championship Round as of 25/10/2020.

2020 C-League: Relegation Round Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Angkor Tiger Angkor Tiger 36
2 Kirivong Sok Sen Chey Kirivong Sok Sen Chey 23
3 National Police National Police 20
4 Asia Euro United Asia Euro United 19
5 Electricite du Cambodge Electricite du Cambodge 11
6 Soltilo Angkor Soltilo Angkor 11
7 National Sports Academy National Sports Academy 7
Latest updated standings for 2020 C-League: Relegation Round as of 25/10/2020.

2020 C-League: Regular Season Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Boeung Ket Boeung Ket 32
2 Svay Rieng Svay Rieng 31
3 Visakha Visakha 23
4 National Defense National Defense 23
5 Phnom Penh Crown Phnom Penh Crown 22
6 NagaWorld NagaWorld 22
7 Angkor Tiger Angkor Tiger 21
8 Kirivong Sok Sen Chey Kirivong Sok Sen Chey 11
9 Asia Euro United Asia Euro United 10
10 Electricite du Cambodge Electricite du Cambodge 9
11 National Police National Police 7
12 Soltilo Angkor Soltilo Angkor 7
13 National Sports Academy National Sports Academy 2
Latest updated standings for 2020 C-League: Regular Season as of 25/10/2020.