America-RN Santa Cruz RN Match Result, Match Score

Potiguar - 1st Phase - 1 Football Match between America-RN and Santa Cruz RN
America-RN 0-0

Santa Cruz RN
America-RN (H.T: 0-0) Santa Cruz RN
  11/01/2024 21:00  
Stadium: Estádio Desembargador José Vasconcelos da Rocha Referee of the Match: Tarcisio Flores da Silva

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

19' Player change Hitalo (In)
Peu (Out)
Player change Juliano (In)
Gustavo Custódio (Out)
Player change Giovani (In)
Gustavo Ramos (Out)
Player change Vinícius Paulista (In)
Rodriguinho (Out)
66' Player change Paulinho (In)
Cleiton (Out)
66' Player change Dubilde (In)
Luis Miguel (Out)
Player change Guilherme Guedes (In)
João Lucas (Out)
Player change Norberto (In)
Marcos Ytalo (Out)
84' Player change Beto (In)
Erick (Out)
84' Player change Vitinho (In)
Fabrício (Out)

America-RN vs Santa Cruz RN Team line-ups

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
28/02/2021 22:00 America-RN 2-1 Santa Cruz RN 1-1
08/05/2021 21:00 Santa Cruz RN 1-2 America-RN 0-1
12/01/2022 21:00 America-RN 1-0 Santa Cruz RN 0-0
17/02/2022 01:00 Santa Cruz RN 1-1 America-RN 0-0
18/01/2023 21:00 America-RN 5-1 Santa Cruz RN 2-1
03/02/2023 02:00 Santa Cruz RN 0-2 America-RN 0-1
26/02/2023 22:00 Santa Cruz RN 0-3 America-RN 0-3
24/03/2023 21:00 America-RN 4-0 Santa Cruz RN 0-0
11/01/2024 21:00 America-RN 0-0 Santa Cruz RN 0-0
08/02/2024 21:00 Santa Cruz RN 2-2 America-RN 1-1
11/04/2024 02:00 Santa Cruz RN 0-1 America-RN 0-0
11/05/2024 21:00 Santa Cruz RN 3-2 America-RN 0-0
08/07/2024 00:00 America-RN 2-0 Santa Cruz RN 1-0
08/02/2025 22:00 America-RN 3-0 Santa Cruz RN 1-0

League Standings

2024 Potiguar 1: 2nd Phase Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Santa Cruz RN Santa Cruz RN 7
2 America-RN America-RN 6
3 Potyguar Potyguar 2
4 Globo Globo 2
Latest updated standings for 2024 Potiguar 1: 2nd Phase as of 13/04/2024.

2024 Potiguar 1: 1st Phase Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 America-RN America-RN 14
2 Santa Cruz RN Santa Cruz RN 12
3 Globo Globo 4
4 Potyguar Potyguar 3
Latest updated standings for 2024 Potiguar 1: 1st Phase as of 13/04/2024.