Altos Confiança Match Result, Match Score

Copa do Nordeste - Group Stage - 1 Football Match between Altos and Confiança
Altos 2-1

Altos (H.T: 2-1) Confiança
  28/02/2021 00:15  
Stadium: Estádio Municipal Lindolfo Monteiro

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

27' Own Goal Gean (Own Goal)
Goal Klenisson Silva (Goal) 41'
Goal Ray Silva (Goal) 44'
58' Player change Everton (In)
Cristiano (Out)
Player change Juninho Arcanjo (In)
Roger Gaúcho (Out)
Player change Ray Silva (In)
Pedro Neto (Out)
69' Yellow Card Luan
Yellow Card Santos 69'
Yellow Card tiaguinho 69'
72' Player change Marcelinho (In)
Pedro Henrique (Out)
Player change Klenisson Silva (In)
Lucas Campos (Out)
84' Player change Pedro Henrique (In)
Adryan (Out)

Altos vs Confiança Team line-ups

Confiança Starting Lineups
Rafael Santos 1
Nirley 3
Altemar 6
Luan 4
Caique Sá 2
Marcelinho 11
Serginho 5
Everton 8
Rafael Vila 7
Willians Santana 10
Lucas Barcelos 9
Cristiano 18
Pedro Henrique 17
Adryan 16
Careca 12
Igor Nelson 15
Isaque Gavioli 13
Vinicius Santana 14
Coach : Daniel Paulista

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
28/02/2021 00:15 Altos 2-1 Confiança 2-1
31/07/2022 00:00 Confiança 1-0 Altos 0-0
09/05/2023 02:00 Confiança 2-1 Altos 1-1