APIA Leichhardt Tigers Team Transfers, Incoming and Outgoing Players

APIA Leichhardt Tigers
APIA Leichhardt Tigers
Foundation : 1954
Leichhardt Oval
Mary Street, Leichhardt
Stadium Capacity
22000 People

APIA Leichhardt Tigers Transfers

Date Player Type Club From / Club To Go
03.07.2024 M. Kasalovic APIA Leichhardt Tigers Central Coast Mariners Free Central Coast Mariners
14.09.2023 F. Monge Melbourne Victory APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Melbourne Victory
14.09.2023 Y. Nicolaou Macarthur APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Macarthur
14.09.2023 Y. Nicolaou Macarthur APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Macarthur
14.09.2023 F. Monge Melbourne Victory APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Melbourne Victory
13.07.2023 J. Romero APIA Leichhardt Tigers Macarthur Macarthur
13.07.2023 J. Romero APIA Leichhardt Tigers Macarthur N/A Macarthur
24.06.2023 D. Celis Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Rockdale City Suns
06.05.2023 R. Pollicina APIA Leichhardt Tigers Melbourne City W Melbourne City W
06.05.2023 H. McNamara APIA Leichhardt Tigers Melbourne City W Melbourne City W
06.05.2023 M. Aquino APIA Leichhardt Tigers Perth Glory FC W Perth Glory FC W
06.05.2023 C. Cicco APIA Leichhardt Tigers Wellington Phoenix W Wellington Phoenix W
04.03.2023 J. Romero Macarthur APIA Leichhardt Tigers Macarthur
04.03.2023 J. Romero Macarthur APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Macarthur
23.01.2023 R. Jordan APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets Loan Newcastle Jets
23.01.2023 R. Jordan APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets Loan Newcastle Jets
17.01.2023 D. Askew APIA Leichhardt Tigers Blacktown City Free Blacktown City
17.01.2023 D. Askew APIA Leichhardt Tigers Blacktown City Free Blacktown City
11.01.2023 M. Cahill NWS Spirit APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free NWS Spirit
11.01.2023 M. Cahill NWS Spirit APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free NWS Spirit
01.01.2023 Louis Khoury Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Sutherland Sharks
01.01.2023 A. Bouzanis APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sutherland Sharks Free Sutherland Sharks
01.01.2023 A. Sparacino APIA Leichhardt Tigers North Shore Mariners Free North Shore Mariners
01.01.2023 J. Stewart APIA Leichhardt Tigers Mt Druitt Town Free Mt Druitt Town
01.01.2023 W. Scott Wollongong Wolves APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Wollongong Wolves
01.01.2023 L. Khoury Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Sutherland Sharks
01.01.2023 J. Stewart APIA Leichhardt Tigers Mt Druitt Town Free Mt Druitt Town
01.01.2023 A. Sparacino APIA Leichhardt Tigers North Shore Mariners Free North Shore Mariners
01.01.2023 A. Bouzanis APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sutherland Sharks Free Sutherland Sharks
01.01.2023 W. Scott Wollongong Wolves APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Wollongong Wolves
05.08.2022 Louis Khoury APIA Leichhardt Tigers Mt Druitt Town N/A Mt Druitt Town
05.08.2022 L. Khoury APIA Leichhardt Tigers Mt Druitt Town N/A Mt Druitt Town
04.07.2022 N. Blair Western Sydney Wanderers APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Western Sydney Wanderers
04.07.2022 N. Blair Western Sydney Wanderers APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Western Sydney Wanderers
04.07.2022 N. Blair Western Sydney Wanderers APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Western Sydney Wanderers
04.07.2022 N. Blair Western Sydney Wanderers APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Western Sydney Wanderers
19.04.2022 Hassan Jalloh HK Kopavogur APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free HK Kopavogur
19.04.2022 Hassan Jalloh HK Kopavogur APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free HK Kopavogur
19.04.2022 H. Jalloh HK Kopavogur APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free HK Kopavogur
19.04.2022 H. Jalloh HK Kopavogur APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free HK Kopavogur
01.03.2022 Sean Symons APIA Leichhardt Tigers Macarthur Macarthur
01.03.2022 Sean Symons APIA Leichhardt Tigers Macarthur Macarthur
01.03.2022 S. Symons APIA Leichhardt Tigers Macarthur N/A Macarthur
01.03.2022 S. Symons APIA Leichhardt Tigers Macarthur N/A Macarthur
27.02.2022 Fabian Andres Monge APIA Leichhardt Tigers Xanthi FC Xanthi FC
27.02.2022 Fabian Andres Monge APIA Leichhardt Tigers Xanthi FC Xanthi FC
27.02.2022 F. Monge APIA Leichhardt Tigers Xanthi FC N/A Xanthi FC
27.02.2022 F. Monge APIA Leichhardt Tigers Xanthi FC N/A Xanthi FC
23.02.2022 Yianni Nicolaou APIA Leichhardt Tigers North Shore Mariners North Shore Mariners
23.02.2022 Yianni Nicolaou APIA Leichhardt Tigers North Shore Mariners North Shore Mariners
23.02.2022 Y. Nicolaou APIA Leichhardt Tigers North Shore Mariners N/A North Shore Mariners
23.02.2022 Y. Nicolaou APIA Leichhardt Tigers North Shore Mariners N/A North Shore Mariners
01.12.2021 Matthew John Cahill APIA Leichhardt Tigers Central Coast Mariners Free Central Coast Mariners
01.12.2021 Peter Kekeris Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Rockdale City Suns
01.12.2021 Matthew John Cahill APIA Leichhardt Tigers Central Coast Mariners Free Central Coast Mariners
01.12.2021 Peter Kekeris Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Rockdale City Suns
01.12.2021 P. Kekeris Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Rockdale City Suns
01.12.2021 M. Cahill APIA Leichhardt Tigers Central Coast Mariners Free Central Coast Mariners
01.12.2021 P. Kekeris Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Rockdale City Suns
01.12.2021 M. Cahill APIA Leichhardt Tigers Central Coast Mariners Free Central Coast Mariners
01.10.2021 Sam McIllhatton Sydney Olympic APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney Olympic
01.10.2021 Jack Armson APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets Free Newcastle Jets
01.10.2021 Sam McIllhatton Sydney Olympic APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney Olympic
01.10.2021 Jack Armson APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets Free Newcastle Jets
01.10.2021 J. Armson APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets Free Newcastle Jets
01.10.2021 S. McIllhatton Sydney Olympic APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney Olympic
01.10.2021 S. McIllhatton Sydney Olympic APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney Olympic
01.10.2021 J. Armson APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets Free Newcastle Jets
29.09.2021 Mathieu Arthur Cordier Sydney Olympic APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney Olympic
29.09.2021 Mathieu Arthur Cordier Sydney Olympic APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney Olympic
29.09.2021 M. Cordier Sydney Olympic APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney Olympic
29.09.2021 M. Cordier Sydney Olympic APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney Olympic
26.09.2021 William Mutch Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Rockdale City Suns
26.09.2021 William Mutch Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Rockdale City Suns
26.09.2021 W. Mutch Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Rockdale City Suns
26.09.2021 W. Mutch Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Rockdale City Suns
25.09.2021 Jason Romero APIA Leichhardt Tigers FC Sevastopol N/A FC Sevastopol
25.09.2021 Jason Romero APIA Leichhardt Tigers FC Sevastopol N/A FC Sevastopol
30.08.2021 Harry Callahan Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Sutherland Sharks
30.08.2021 Harry Callahan Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Sutherland Sharks
30.08.2021 Harry Callahan Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Sutherland Sharks
30.08.2021 Harry Callahan Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers Free Sutherland Sharks
15.02.2021 Hassan Jalloh APIA Leichhardt Tigers Blacktown City Free Blacktown City
15.02.2021 Hassan Jalloh APIA Leichhardt Tigers Blacktown City Free Blacktown City
15.02.2021 H. Jalloh APIA Leichhardt Tigers Blacktown City Free Blacktown City
15.02.2021 H. Jalloh APIA Leichhardt Tigers Blacktown City Free Blacktown City
04.01.2021 Patrick Scibilio Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sutherland Sharks
04.01.2021 Jeremy Thomas Cox Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sutherland Sharks
04.01.2021 Patrick Scibilio Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sutherland Sharks
04.01.2021 Jeremy Thomas Cox Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sutherland Sharks
04.01.2021 Jeremy Thomas Cox Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sutherland Sharks
04.01.2021 P. Scibilio Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sutherland Sharks
04.01.2021 P. Scibilio Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sutherland Sharks
04.01.2021 J. Cox Sutherland Sharks APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sutherland Sharks
01.01.2021 Hassan Jalloh APIA Leichhardt Tigers Royston Town N/A Royston Town
01.01.2021 Blake Powell APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sutherland Sharks N/A Sutherland Sharks
01.01.2021 Mathieu Arthur Cordier APIA Leichhardt Tigers Western Sydney Wanderers N/A Western Sydney Wanderers
01.01.2021 William Mutch APIA Leichhardt Tigers Blacktown City N/A Blacktown City
01.01.2021 Harry Callahan APIA Leichhardt Tigers Wollongong Wolves N/A Wollongong Wolves
01.01.2021 Christopher Payne Sydney United APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney United
01.01.2021 Gavin Rory De Niese Dandenong City APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Dandenong City
01.01.2021 Hassan Jalloh APIA Leichhardt Tigers Royston Town N/A Royston Town
01.01.2021 Blake Powell APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sutherland Sharks N/A Sutherland Sharks
01.01.2021 Mathieu Arthur Cordier APIA Leichhardt Tigers Western Sydney Wanderers N/A Western Sydney Wanderers
01.01.2021 William Mutch APIA Leichhardt Tigers Blacktown City N/A Blacktown City
01.01.2021 Harry Callahan APIA Leichhardt Tigers Wollongong Wolves N/A Wollongong Wolves
01.01.2021 Christopher Payne Sydney United APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney United
01.01.2021 Gavin Rory De Niese Dandenong City APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Dandenong City
01.01.2021 Harry Callahan APIA Leichhardt Tigers Wollongong Wolves N/A Wollongong Wolves
01.01.2021 Blake Powell APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sutherland Sharks N/A Sutherland Sharks
01.01.2021 Gavin Rory De Niese Dandenong City APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Dandenong City
01.01.2021 W. Mutch APIA Leichhardt Tigers Blacktown City N/A Blacktown City
01.01.2021 M. Cordier APIA Leichhardt Tigers Western Sydney Wanderers N/A Western Sydney Wanderers
01.01.2021 C. Payne Sydney United APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney United
01.01.2021 Harry Callahan APIA Leichhardt Tigers Wollongong Wolves N/A Wollongong Wolves
01.01.2021 Blake Powell APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sutherland Sharks N/A Sutherland Sharks
01.01.2021 G. De Niese Dandenong City APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Dandenong City
01.01.2021 W. Mutch APIA Leichhardt Tigers Blacktown City N/A Blacktown City
01.01.2021 C. Payne Sydney United APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney United
01.01.2021 M. Cordier APIA Leichhardt Tigers Western Sydney Wanderers N/A Western Sydney Wanderers
01.07.2020 Zander Regan Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns
01.07.2020 Daniel Sadaka APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United Sydney United
01.07.2020 Daniel Sadaka APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United Sydney United
01.07.2020 Zander Regan Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Rockdale City Suns
01.07.2020 Daniel Sadaka APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United Sydney United
01.07.2020 Zander Regan Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Rockdale City Suns
01.07.2020 Daniel Sadaka APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United Sydney United
01.07.2020 Zander Regan Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Rockdale City Suns
01.07.2020 Daniel Sadaka APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United Sydney United
01.07.2020 Zander Regan Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Rockdale City Suns
01.03.2020 Gavin Rory De Niese APIA Leichhardt Tigers Armacenenses Armacenenses
01.03.2020 Gavin Rory De Niese APIA Leichhardt Tigers Armacenenses N/A Armacenenses
01.03.2020 Gavin Rory De Niese APIA Leichhardt Tigers Armacenenses N/A Armacenenses
01.03.2020 Gavin Rory De Niese APIA Leichhardt Tigers Armacenenses N/A Armacenenses
01.03.2020 G. De Niese APIA Leichhardt Tigers Armacenenses N/A Armacenenses
01.02.2020 Patrick Scibilio APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney Sydney
01.02.2020 Patrick Scibilio APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.02.2020 Patrick Scibilio APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.02.2020 P. Scibilio APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.02.2020 P. Scibilio APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.01.2020 Samuel Gulisano Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns
01.01.2020 Samuel Gulisano Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Rockdale City Suns
01.01.2020 Samuel Gulisano Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Rockdale City Suns
01.01.2020 S. Gulisano Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Rockdale City Suns
01.01.2020 S. Gulisano Rockdale City Suns APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Rockdale City Suns
30.07.2019 Adrian Vlastelica Sydney United APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United
01.07.2019 Nathan Millgate Marconi Stallions APIA Leichhardt Tigers Marconi Stallions
01.06.2019 Nicholas Stavroulakis APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United N/A Sydney United
01.06.2019 Nicholas Stavroulakis APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United N/A Sydney United
01.06.2019 Nicholas Stavroulakis APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United N/A Sydney United
01.06.2019 Nicholas Stavroulakis APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United N/A Sydney United
01.06.2019 Nicholas Stavroulakis APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United N/A Sydney United
03.04.2019 Andre Ernest De Jong APIA Leichhardt Tigers Eastern Suburbs N/A Eastern Suburbs
03.04.2019 Andre Ernest De Jong APIA Leichhardt Tigers Eastern Suburbs N/A Eastern Suburbs
03.04.2019 Andre Ernest De Jong APIA Leichhardt Tigers Eastern Suburbs N/A Eastern Suburbs
03.04.2019 A. de Jong APIA Leichhardt Tigers Eastern Suburbs N/A Eastern Suburbs
03.04.2019 A. de Jong APIA Leichhardt Tigers Eastern Suburbs N/A Eastern Suburbs
02.03.2019 Chris Payne APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United N/A Sydney United
02.03.2019 Christopher Payne APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United N/A Sydney United
02.03.2019 Christopher Payne APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United N/A Sydney United
02.03.2019 C. Payne APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United N/A Sydney United
02.03.2019 C. Payne APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney United N/A Sydney United
01.01.2019 Tynan Diaz APIA Leichhardt Tigers Bonnyrigg White Eagles N/A Bonnyrigg White Eagles
01.01.2019 Adrian Vlastelica Sydney United APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney United
01.01.2019 Nathan Millgate Marconi Stallions APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Marconi Stallions
01.01.2019 Luke Turnbull APIA Leichhardt Tigers APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A APIA Leichhardt Tigers
01.01.2019 Michael Kouta APIA Leichhardt Tigers Hakoah Sydney City N/A Hakoah Sydney City
01.01.2019 Lachlan Hughes APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.01.2019 Lachlan Hughes APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.01.2019 Tynan Diaz APIA Leichhardt Tigers Bonnyrigg White Eagles N/A Bonnyrigg White Eagles
01.01.2019 Nathan Millgate Marconi Stallions APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Marconi Stallions
01.01.2019 Luke Turnbull APIA Leichhardt Tigers APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A APIA Leichhardt Tigers
01.01.2019 Michael Kouta APIA Leichhardt Tigers Hakoah Sydney City N/A Hakoah Sydney City
01.01.2019 Adrian Stephen Vlastelica Sydney United APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney United
01.01.2019 Lachlan Hughes APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.01.2019 Tynan Diaz APIA Leichhardt Tigers Bonnyrigg White Eagles N/A Bonnyrigg White Eagles
01.01.2019 Nathan Millgate Marconi Stallions APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Marconi Stallions
01.01.2019 Luke Turnbull APIA Leichhardt Tigers APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A APIA Leichhardt Tigers
01.01.2019 Michael Kouta APIA Leichhardt Tigers Hakoah Sydney City N/A Hakoah Sydney City
01.01.2019 Adrian Stephen Vlastelica Sydney United APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney United
01.01.2019 Lachlan Hughes APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.01.2019 Tynan Diaz APIA Leichhardt Tigers Bonnyrigg White Eagles N/A Bonnyrigg White Eagles
01.01.2019 Luke Turnbull APIA Leichhardt Tigers APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A APIA Leichhardt Tigers
01.01.2019 B. Lundy Sparta-KT APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sparta-KT
01.01.2019 M. Kouta APIA Leichhardt Tigers Hakoah Sydney City N/A Hakoah Sydney City
01.01.2019 N. Millgate Marconi Stallions APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Marconi Stallions
01.01.2019 A. Vlastelica Sydney United APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney United
01.01.2019 Lachlan Hughes APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.01.2019 Tynan Diaz APIA Leichhardt Tigers Bonnyrigg White Eagles N/A Bonnyrigg White Eagles
01.01.2019 Luke Turnbull APIA Leichhardt Tigers APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A APIA Leichhardt Tigers
01.01.2019 B. Lundy Sparta-KT APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sparta-KT
01.01.2019 A. Vlastelica Sydney United APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Sydney United
01.01.2019 M. Kouta APIA Leichhardt Tigers Hakoah Sydney City N/A Hakoah Sydney City
01.01.2019 N. Millgate Marconi Stallions APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Marconi Stallions
09.07.2018 Howard Fondyke APIA Leichhardt Tigers Perth Glory N/A Perth Glory
09.07.2018 Ivan Necevski APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets N/A Newcastle Jets
09.07.2018 Howard Fondyke APIA Leichhardt Tigers Perth Glory N/A Perth Glory
09.07.2018 Dominic Cox Hakoah Sydney City APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Hakoah Sydney City
09.07.2018 Ivan Necevski APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets N/A Newcastle Jets
09.07.2018 Howard Fondyke APIA Leichhardt Tigers Perth Glory N/A Perth Glory
09.07.2018 Dominic Cox Hakoah Sydney City APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Hakoah Sydney City
09.07.2018 Ivan Necevski APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets N/A Newcastle Jets
09.07.2018 I. Necevski APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets N/A Newcastle Jets
09.07.2018 D. Cox Hakoah Sydney City APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Hakoah Sydney City
09.07.2018 D. Cox Hakoah Sydney City APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Hakoah Sydney City
09.07.2018 I. Necevski APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets N/A Newcastle Jets
01.07.2018 H. Fondyke APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns Loan Rockdale City Suns
01.07.2018 H. Fondyke APIA Leichhardt Tigers Rockdale City Suns Loan Rockdale City Suns
01.01.2018 Sam McIllhatton APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.01.2018 Sam McIllhatton APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.01.2018 Sam McIllhatton APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.01.2018 S. McIllhatton APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
01.01.2018 S. McIllhatton APIA Leichhardt Tigers Sydney N/A Sydney
10.11.2017 Ivan Necevski Newcastle Jets APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Newcastle Jets
10.11.2017 Ivan Necevski Newcastle Jets APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Newcastle Jets
10.11.2017 Ivan Necevski Newcastle Jets APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Newcastle Jets
10.11.2017 I. Necevski Newcastle Jets APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Newcastle Jets
10.11.2017 I. Necevski Newcastle Jets APIA Leichhardt Tigers N/A Newcastle Jets
01.07.2017 Ivan Necevski APIA Leichhardt Tigers Central Coast Mariners N/A Central Coast Mariners
01.07.2017 Themba Muata Marlow APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets N/A Newcastle Jets
01.07.2017 Ivan Necevski APIA Leichhardt Tigers Central Coast Mariners N/A Central Coast Mariners
01.07.2017 Themba Muata-Marlow APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets N/A Newcastle Jets
01.07.2017 Ivan Necevski APIA Leichhardt Tigers Central Coast Mariners N/A Central Coast Mariners
01.07.2017 Themba Muata-Marlow APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets N/A Newcastle Jets
01.07.2017 I. Necevski APIA Leichhardt Tigers Central Coast Mariners N/A Central Coast Mariners
01.07.2017 T. Muata-Marlow APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets N/A Newcastle Jets
01.07.2017 T. Muata-Marlow APIA Leichhardt Tigers Newcastle Jets N/A Newcastle Jets
01.07.2017 I. Necevski APIA Leichhardt Tigers Central Coast Mariners N/A Central Coast Mariners

Standings in Leagues Participated by APIA Leichhardt Tigers