Länsikenttä tekonurmi Address and Location, Stadium Features

Länsikenttä tekonurmi
Address Pinnonäsgatan 13 Jacobstad
Länsikenttä tekonurmi Map
Länsikenttä tekonurmi, Pinnonäsgatan 13, Jacobstad
City Jacobstad
Country Finland
Surface Artificial Grass Field
Capacity 3000

Which Teams Use the Stadium?

Team Foundation Year
JBK 1944

What are the most recent matches played in the stadium?

Time Status Home Score Away
Finland Kakkonen - Lohko C Finland - Kakkonen - Lohko C ( League )
23/04/2023 16:00 FT JBK 8-1 JS Hercules
Finland Kakkonen - Lohko C Finland - Kakkonen - Lohko C ( League )
24/09/2022 14:00 FT JBK 2-0 GBK
18/09/2022 13:00 FT JBK 2-1 Rops
04/09/2022 18:30 FT JBK 1-2 VIFK
06/08/2022 17:00 FT JBK 1-2 FC Komeetat
17/07/2022 18:30 FT JBK 6-3 Vaajakoski
23/06/2022 18:30 FT JBK 1-2 Kraft
11/06/2022 17:00 FT JBK 2-2 OTP
29/05/2022 14:00 FT JBK 1-2 OLS
14/05/2022 17:00 FT JBK 1-2 JJK
Finland Kakkonen - Lohko C Finland - Kakkonen - Lohko C ( League )
17/10/2021 14:00 FT JBK 3-2 GBK
16/09/2021 19:00 FT JBK 2-0 Kraft
28/08/2021 13:00 FT JBK 1-2 JS Hercules
14/08/2021 17:00 FT JBK 3-1 OLS
02/08/2021 18:30 FT JBK 0-1 VIFK
10/07/2021 17:00 FT JBK 2-1 PS Kemi Kings
04/07/2021 18:30 FT JBK 1-0 JJK
24/06/2021 18:30 FT JBK 4-1 RoPS II
06/06/2021 15:00 FT JBK 1-1 Vaajakoski
22/05/2021 17:00 FT JBK 2-2 OTP
07/05/2021 19:00 FT JBK 3-2 SJK Akatemia
Finland Kakkonen - Lohko C Finland - Kakkonen - Lohko C ( League )
01/11/2020 15:00 FT JBK 0-0 VIFK
28/10/2020 19:30 FT JBK 3-2 Kiisto
27/09/2020 17:00 FT JBK 0-2 JS Hercules
11/09/2020 18:30 FT JBK 1-0 VIFK
12/08/2020 18:30 FT JBK 3-2 GBK
08/08/2020 15:00 FT JBK 1-0 Kiisto
19/07/2020 17:00 FT JBK 2-3 JJK
27/06/2020 15:00 PST JBK - Kiisto
24/06/2020 18:30 PST JBK - Vaajakoski
01/06/2020 18:30 PST JBK - VIFK
15/05/2020 03:00 PST JBK - JJK
04/05/2020 03:00 PST JBK - GBK