Saint-Malo Poissy Match Result, Match Score

National 2 - Group A - Group A - 13 Football Match between Saint-Malo and Poissy
Saint-Malo -

Minute: 0
Saint-Malo (H.T: ) Poissy
  12/06/2021 19:00  
Stadium: Stade de Marville

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

Players for this match have not been announced yet.

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
09/11/2019 20:00 Saint-Malo 4-1 Poissy
11/04/2020 03:00 Poissy - Saint-Malo
08/05/2021 19:00 Poissy - Saint-Malo
12/06/2021 19:00 Saint-Malo - Poissy
04/09/2021 19:00 Poissy 1-1 Saint-Malo 1-1
19/02/2022 20:00 Saint-Malo 2-0 Poissy 1-0
17/09/2022 19:00 Saint-Malo 1-0 Poissy
25/02/2023 20:00 Poissy 0-0 Saint-Malo 0-0

League Standings

2020/2021 National 2: Group A Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 St-Pryvé St-Hilaire St-Pryvé St-Hilaire 20
2 Châteaubriant Châteaubriant 16
3 Sainte Geneviève Sainte Geneviève 16
4 Caen II Caen II 15
5 Fleury 91 Fleury 91 13
6 Stade Plabennec Stade Plabennec 12
7 Granville Granville 12
8 C' Chartres C' Chartres 12
9 Rouen Rouen 10
10 Versailles Versailles 10
11 Guingamp II Guingamp II 9
12 Lorient II Lorient II 9
13 Saint-Malo Saint-Malo 8
14 Blois Blois 8
15 Vannes Vannes 8
16 Poissy Poissy 5
Latest updated standings for 2020/2021 National 2: Group A as of 27/06/2021.