River AC Santa Cruz Match Result, Match Score

Copa do Nordeste - Group Stage - 8 Football Match between River AC and Santa Cruz
River AC 0-1

Santa Cruz
River AC (H.T: 0-1) Santa Cruz
  23/07/2020 02:00  
Stadium: Estádio Governador Alberto Tavares Silva Referee of the Match: Luiz Sobral

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

24' Goal Paulinho (Goal)
35' Yellow Card M. F. Silva
Yellow Card Emanuel 41'
Yellow Card Emerson 45'
46' Player change Jeremias (In)
M. F. Silva (Out)
Yellow Card Guto 49'
Yellow Card L. Bahia 56'
Player change Jairo (In)
W. Heleno (Out)
Yellow Card Guto 70'
Red Card Guto 70'
Player change Joao Paulo (In)
Emerson (Out)
Player change B. Silva (In)
Emanuel (Out)
73' Player change Bileu (In)
Paulinho (Out)
73' Player change Kleiton (In)
P. Carvalho Nonato (Out)
Player change Wendel (In)
E. Junior (Out)
89' Player change Junior (In)
Tinga (Out)
90' Player change D. Alegre (In)
Pipico (Out)
90' Yellow Card F. da Silva Souza

Players for this match have not been announced yet.

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
23/07/2020 02:00 River AC 0-1 Santa Cruz 0-1