Melsbroek Veltem Match Result, Match Score

Provincial - Brabant VFV - Brabant - VFV - 14 Football Match between Melsbroek and Veltem
Melsbroek -

Minute: 0
Melsbroek (H.T: ) Veltem
  25/04/2021 16:00  

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

Players for this match have not been announced yet.

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
18/04/2021 16:00 Veltem - Melsbroek
25/04/2021 16:00 Melsbroek - Veltem
17/10/2021 16:00 Melsbroek - Veltem
20/02/2022 16:30 Veltem - Melsbroek
30/10/2022 16:30 Veltem - Melsbroek
22/01/2023 17:00 Melsbroek - Veltem

League Standings

2020/2021 Provincial: Brabant - VFV Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Liedekerke Liedekerke 15
2 Stade Bierbeek Stade Bierbeek 11
3 Tervuren-Duisburg Tervuren-Duisburg 10
4 Bertem-Leefdaal Bertem-Leefdaal 9
5 Melsbroek Melsbroek 8
6 Bodegem Kapelle United Bodegem Kapelle United 8
7 Wambeek Wambeek 8
8 Huldenberg Huldenberg 8
9 Veltem Veltem 7
10 Linden Linden 7
11 Sporting Kampenhout Sporting Kampenhout 6
12 Hoegaarden-Outgaarden Hoegaarden-Outgaarden 3
13 Borght-Humbeek Borght-Humbeek 3
14 Houtem-Oplinter Houtem-Oplinter 1
15 Grimbergen Grimbergen 1
16 Aarschot Aarschot 1
Latest updated standings for 2020/2021 Provincial: Brabant - VFV as of 02/05/2021.