Waldemar Lemos de Oliveira Coach Career Information

Waldemar Lemos de Oliveira is most recently head coach of Anapolina team. Below you can find information about the teams he has led as a coach and in which years he has coached.

Waldemar Lemos de Oliveira
(Waldemar Lemos)
70 years old
Rio de Janeiro

List of Clubs That Waldemar Lemos de Oliveira Has Coached

Beginning Finish Team
Sport Recife Sport Recife
Anapolina Anapolina
América PE América PE
Pohang Steelers Pohang Steelers
Ríver Ríver
Boavista Boavista
Altos Altos
Remo Remo
Náutico Náutico
Atlético GO Atlético GO
Vila Nova Vila Nova
Anápolis Anápolis