Manuel Luis Pellegrini Ripamonti Coach Career Information

Manuel Luis Pellegrini Ripamonti is most recently head coach of Real Betis team. Below you can find information about the teams he has led as a coach and in which years he has coached.

Manuel Luis Pellegrini Ripamonti
(M. Pellegrini)
71 years old
Santiago de Chile

List of Clubs That Manuel Luis Pellegrini Ripamonti Has Coached

Beginning Finish Team
August 2020 Real Betis Real Betis
May 2018 December 2019 West Ham United West Ham United
August 2016 May 2018 Hebei FC
June 2013 June 2016 Manchester City Manchester City
November 2010 June 2013 Malaga Malaga
July 2009 May 2010 Real Madrid Real Madrid
June 2004 June 2009 Villarreal Villarreal
July 2002 July 2003 River Plate River Plate
January 2001 June 2002 San Lorenzo San Lorenzo
July 1999 June 2000 LDU Quito LDU Quito
July 1998 June 1999 Palestino Palestino
July 1994 June 1996 Universidad Católica Universidad Católica
LDU Quito LDU Quito
Palestino Palestino
Hebei FC Hebei FC
Universidad Católica Universidad Católica
Real Betis Real Betis
Real Madrid Real Madrid
Malaga Malaga
Villarreal Villarreal
San Lorenzo San Lorenzo
River Plate River Plate
Manchester City Manchester City
West Ham United West Ham United
Hebei FC