Luis Fernando Vergara Meylan Coach Career Information

Luis Fernando Vergara Meylan is most recently head coach of Universidad Concepción team. Below you can find information about the teams he has led as a coach and in which years he has coached.

Luis Fernando Vergara Meylan
(F. Vergara)
54 years old
Santiago de Chile

List of Clubs That Luis Fernando Vergara Meylan Has Coached

Beginning Finish Team
September 2021 May 2022 Universidad Concepción Universidad Concepción
December 2020 February 2021 Magallanes Magallanes
June 2018 December 2019 Puerto Montt Puerto Montt
July 2016 June 2017 Deportes Antofagasta
January 2015 May 2015 San Marcos San Marcos
May 2015 April 2016 Unión Española Unión Española
September 2014 December 2014 Cobreloa Cobreloa
January 2014 May 2014 Deportes Temuco Deportes Temuco
August 2011 October 2012 Deportes Iquique Deportes Iquique
January 2011 May 2011 La Serena La Serena
La Serena La Serena
San Marcos San Marcos
Puerto Montt Puerto Montt
Magallanes Magallanes
Cobreloa Cobreloa
Deportes Antofagasta Deportes Antofagasta
Universidad Concepción Universidad Concepción
Unión Española Unión Española
Deportes Iquique Deportes Iquique
Deportes Temuco Deportes Temuco
Deportes Antofagasta