Lluís Carreras Ferrer Coach Career Information

Lluís Carreras Ferrer is most recently head coach of Sagan Tosu team. Below you can find information about the teams he has led as a coach and in which years he has coached.

Lluís Carreras Ferrer
(Lluís Carreras)
52 years old
Sant Pol de Mar

List of Clubs That Lluís Carreras Ferrer Has Coached

Beginning Finish Team
27/12/2015 30/06/2016 Real Zaragoza Real Zaragoza
25/02/2014 20/05/2014 Mallorca Mallorca
22/12/2018 05/05/2019 Sagan Tosu Sagan Tosu
21/06/2017 09/09/2017 Gimnàstic Tarragona Gimnàstic Tarragona
01/07/2011 10/06/2013 Sabadell Sabadell