Líšeň Prostějov Match Result, Match Score

- Club Friendlies 3 Football Match between Líšeň and Prostějov
Líšeň 0-2

Líšeň (H.T: 0-0) Prostějov
  21/01/2023 12:00  
Stadium: SK Líšeň UMT

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

82' Goal M. Vlachovsky (Goal)
90' Goal M. Vlachovsky (Goal)
90' Goal (Goal)
Goal (Goal) 90'

Líšeň vs Prostějov Team line-ups

Líšeň Starting Lineups
Coach : P. Maléř
Prostějov Starting Lineups
Coach : P. Šustr

Match Statistics

Corner Kicks 6

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
21/09/2019 17:30 Líšeň 3-0 Prostějov 1-0
14/06/2020 18:00 Prostějov 0-1 Líšeň 0-1
02/12/2020 15:30 Líšeň 2-2 Prostějov 2-2
08/05/2021 18:00 Prostějov 1-3 Líšeň 1-1
30/10/2021 15:30 Prostějov 1-1 Líšeň 0-0
30/04/2022 18:00 Líšeň 2-0 Prostějov 1-0
22/10/2022 16:30 Líšeň 2-3 Prostějov 0-1
21/01/2023 12:00 Líšeň 0-2 Prostějov 0-0
13/05/2023 18:00 Prostějov 2-1 Líšeň 2-1
07/10/2023 11:30 Prostějov 4-2 Líšeň 1-2
04/05/2024 18:00 Líšeň 0-0 Prostějov 0-0
26/10/2024 15:30 Líšeň 2-0 Prostějov 2-0