Itapirense São José EC Match Result, Match Score

Paulista - A3 - 1st Phase - 6 Football Match between Itapirense and São José EC
Itapirense 1-0

São José EC
Itapirense (H.T: 1-0) São José EC
  09/02/2023 02:00  
Stadium: Estádio Municipal Coronel Francisco Vieira Referee of the Match: Paulo Ricardo Pereira Fernandes

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

Goal Gabriel Chagas (Goal) 7'
38' Player change Weslen (In)
L. Díaz (Out)
46' Player change Wendel Rosas (In)
Roni (Out)
46' Player change Cris (In)
Gabriel Mello (Out)
46' Player change Paulo Henrique (In)
David Lucas (Out)
Player change Gabriel Moyses (In)
Vinicius (Out)
Player change Vinicius (In)
Marcos Vinicius (Out)
71' Player change Barão (In)
Rodolfo (Out)
Player change Amarildo (In)
Doni (Out)
Player change Damião (In)
Vinicius Cabelo (Out)

Itapirense vs São José EC Team line-ups

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
09/02/2023 02:00 Itapirense 1-0 São José EC 1-0

League Standings

2023 Paulista A3: 2nd Phase Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Capivariano Capivariano 13
2 EC São Bernardo EC São Bernardo 10
3 Marília Marília 7
4 Matonense Matonense 4
Latest updated standings for 2023 Paulista A3: 2nd Phase as of 13/05/2023.

2023 Paulista A3: 1st Phase Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Marília Marília 29
2 São José EC São José EC 27
3 Capivariano Capivariano 27
4 Grêmio Prudente Grêmio Prudente 24
5 Desportivo Brasil Desportivo Brasil 24
6 EC São Bernardo EC São Bernardo 22
8 Matonense Matonense 20
9 Bandeirante SP Bandeirante SP 20
10 RB Brasil RB Brasil 19
11 Rio Preto Rio Preto 19
12 Itapirense Itapirense 19
13 Votuporanguense Votuporanguense 17
14 Sertãozinho Sertãozinho 16
15 Barretos Barretos 16
16 Gremio Osasco Audax Gremio Osasco Audax 12
Latest updated standings for 2023 Paulista A3: 1st Phase as of 13/05/2023.