Goias CRB Match Result, Match Score

Copa Do Brasil - 2nd Round Football Match between Goias and CRB
Goias 1-1

FT Penalties Result : 2-3
Goias (H.T: 0-0) CRB
  22/02/2019 03:30  
Stadium: Estádio de Hailé Pinheiro (Goiânia, Goiás)

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

Yellow Card Rafael Vaz 10'
18' Yellow Card Ferrugem
23' Yellow Card Mailson
Yellow Card Junior Brandão 25'
32' Yellow Card Júnior Gomes
33' Player change Ferrugem (In)
Lucas Santos (Out)
43' Yellow Card Mateus Silva
45' Yellow Card Danilinho
Player change Juninho Brandão (In)
Brenner (Out)
47' Goal Wellington Carvalho (Goal)
59' Yellow Card Claudinei
Goal from Penalty Renatinho (Goal from Penalty) 61'
Yellow Card Jefferson 63'
Player change Léo Sena (In)
Marcinho (Out)
71' Player change Danilinho (In)
Hugo (Out)
89' Yellow Card Edson Mardden
Player change Michael (In)
L. Barcia (Out)
90' Player change William Barbio (In)
Felipe Menezes (Out)

Goias vs CRB Team line-ups

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
03/07/2016 03:00 CRB 2-1 Penalties Result : 2-3 Goias 2-0
26/10/2016 02:30 Goias 3-0 Penalties Result : 2-3 CRB 1-0
29/07/2017 22:30 Goias 3-0 Penalties Result : 2-3 CRB 2-0
15/11/2017 01:30 CRB 2-1 Penalties Result : 2-3 Goias 2-0
27/06/2018 03:30 Goias 2-1 Penalties Result : 2-3 CRB 0-0
20/10/2018 01:15 CRB 2-0 Penalties Result : 2-3 Goias 0-0
22/02/2019 03:30 Goias 1-1 Penalties Result : 2-3 CRB 0-0
16/06/2021 03:30 Goias 1-0 Penalties Result : 2-3 CRB 1-0
12/09/2021 03:00 CRB 0-1 Penalties Result : 2-3 Goias 0-1
26/07/2024 03:30 Goias 1-1 Penalties Result : 2-3 CRB 0-0
09/11/2024 23:00 CRB 0-1 Penalties Result : 2-3 Goias 0-0