Fortaleza EC CRB Match Result, Match Score

Copa do Nordeste - Final Football Match between Fortaleza EC and CRB
Fortaleza EC 2-0

Fortaleza EC (H.T: 2-0) CRB
  06/06/2024 03:30  
Stadium: Estádio Governador Plácido Aderaldo Castelo Referee of the Match: Paulo Belence Alves dos Prazeres Filho

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

4' Yellow Card
Yellow Card J. Lucero 5'
Goal Moisés (Goal) 41'
Goal J. Lucero (Goal) 45'
Player change Matheus Rossetto (In)
Hércules (Out)
Player change Moisés (In)
K. Andrade (Out)
75' Player change F. Labandeira (In)
Mike (Out)
Player change T. Pochettino (In)
Pedro Augusto (Out)
83' Yellow Card Anselmo Ramon
Player change J. Lucero (In)
Pedro Rocha (Out)
Player change Yago Pikachu (In)
I. Machuca (Out)
90' Player change Léo Pereira (In)
Lucas Kallyel (Out)

Fortaleza EC vs CRB Team line-ups

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
25/04/2018 03:30 Fortaleza EC 3-1 CRB 1-0
22/08/2018 02:30 CRB 2-1 Fortaleza EC 0-0
04/03/2021 01:30 Fortaleza EC 1-0 CRB 1-0
29/07/2021 22:30 Fortaleza EC 2-1 CRB 0-1
04/08/2021 22:30 CRB 0-1 Fortaleza EC 0-1
19/03/2022 23:45 Fortaleza EC 2-0 CRB 1-0
11/02/2024 22:00 CRB 1-0 Fortaleza EC 1-0
06/06/2024 03:30 Fortaleza EC 2-0 CRB 2-0
09/06/2024 22:30 CRB 2-0 Fortaleza EC 0-0