England Non League Div One - Southern South 2019-2020 Season Football Match Results

England Non League Div One - Southern South
England Non League Div One - Southern South
2019-2020 Season

Time Status Home Score Away
England Non League Div One - Southern South England - Non League Div One - Southern South ( League )
25/04/2020 03:00 CANC AFC Totton - Mangotsfield United
25/04/2020 03:00 CANC Bideford - Basingstoke Town
25/04/2020 03:00 CANC Bristol Manor Farm - Paulton Rovers
25/04/2020 03:00 CANC Cinderford Town - Willand Rovers
25/04/2020 03:00 CANC Cirencester Town - Slimbridge
25/04/2020 03:00 CANC Evesham United - Moneyfields
25/04/2020 03:00 CANC Larkhall Athletic - Sholing
25/04/2020 03:00 CANC Melksham Town - Barnstaple Town
25/04/2020 03:00 CANC Thatcham Town - Highworth Town
25/04/2020 03:00 CANC Winchester City - Frome Town
22/04/2020 03:00 CANC Willand Rovers - Paulton Rovers
21/04/2020 03:00 CANC AFC Totton - Cirencester Town
18/04/2020 03:00 CANC Barnstaple Town - Cirencester Town
18/04/2020 03:00 CANC Basingstoke Town - Evesham United
18/04/2020 03:00 CANC Frome Town - Bristol Manor Farm
18/04/2020 03:00 CANC Highworth Town - Bideford
18/04/2020 03:00 CANC Mangotsfield United - Melksham Town
18/04/2020 03:00 CANC Moneyfields - Larkhall Athletic
18/04/2020 03:00 CANC Paulton Rovers - AFC Totton
18/04/2020 03:00 CANC Sholing - Cinderford Town
18/04/2020 03:00 CANC Slimbridge - Thatcham Town
18/04/2020 03:00 CANC Willand Rovers - Winchester City
13/04/2020 03:00 CANC Barnstaple Town - Bideford
13/04/2020 03:00 CANC Cirencester Town - Evesham United
13/04/2020 03:00 CANC Frome Town - Melksham Town
13/04/2020 03:00 CANC Larkhall Athletic - Highworth Town
13/04/2020 03:00 CANC Moneyfields - Basingstoke Town
13/04/2020 03:00 CANC Paulton Rovers - Mangotsfield United
13/04/2020 03:00 CANC Sholing - AFC Totton
13/04/2020 03:00 CANC Slimbridge - Cinderford Town
13/04/2020 03:00 CANC Willand Rovers - Bristol Manor Farm
13/04/2020 03:00 CANC Winchester City - Thatcham Town
11/04/2020 03:00 CANC AFC Totton - Slimbridge
11/04/2020 03:00 CANC Basingstoke Town - Cirencester Town
11/04/2020 03:00 CANC Bideford - Winchester City
11/04/2020 03:00 CANC Bristol Manor Farm - Sholing
11/04/2020 03:00 CANC Cinderford Town - Larkhall Athletic
11/04/2020 03:00 CANC Evesham United - Barnstaple Town
11/04/2020 03:00 CANC Highworth Town - Paulton Rovers
11/04/2020 03:00 CANC Mangotsfield United - Moneyfields
11/04/2020 03:00 CANC Melksham Town - Willand Rovers
11/04/2020 03:00 CANC Thatcham Town - Frome Town
08/04/2020 03:00 CANC Willand Rovers - Evesham United
07/04/2020 03:00 CANC Winchester City - Bideford
07/04/2020 03:00 CANC AFC Totton - Sholing
07/04/2020 03:00 CANC Barnstaple Town - Thatcham Town
07/04/2020 03:00 CANC Bristol Manor Farm - Cinderford Town
04/04/2020 03:00 CANC Evesham United - Frome Town
04/04/2020 03:00 CANC Barnstaple Town - Cinderford Town
04/04/2020 03:00 CANC Cirencester Town - Thatcham Town
04/04/2020 03:00 CANC Larkhall Athletic - Basingstoke Town
04/04/2020 03:00 CANC Moneyfields - Melksham Town
04/04/2020 03:00 CANC Paulton Rovers - Bideford
04/04/2020 03:00 CANC Sholing - Highworth Town
04/04/2020 03:00 CANC Slimbridge - Bristol Manor Farm
04/04/2020 03:00 CANC Willand Rovers - AFC Totton
04/04/2020 03:00 CANC Winchester City - Mangotsfield United
01/04/2020 03:00 CANC Slimbridge - Moneyfields
31/03/2020 03:00 CANC Winchester City - Larkhall Athletic
31/03/2020 03:00 CANC Paulton Rovers - Willand Rovers
31/03/2020 03:00 CANC Bristol Manor Farm - Frome Town
31/03/2020 03:00 CANC Sholing - Melksham Town
29/03/2020 03:00 PST Evesham United - Sholing
28/03/2020 03:00 PST AFC Totton - Barnstaple Town
28/03/2020 03:00 PST Basingstoke Town - Slimbridge
28/03/2020 03:00 PST Bideford - Larkhall Athletic
28/03/2020 03:00 PST Bristol Manor Farm - Cirencester Town
28/03/2020 03:00 PST Cinderford Town - Moneyfields
28/03/2020 03:00 PST Highworth Town - Willand Rovers
28/03/2020 03:00 PST Mangotsfield United - Frome Town
28/03/2020 03:00 PST Melksham Town - Winchester City
28/03/2020 03:00 PST Thatcham Town - Paulton Rovers
24/03/2020 22:45 - Barnstaple Town - Willand Rovers
24/03/2020 22:45 - Bideford - Sholing
24/03/2020 22:45 - Frome Town - Larkhall Athletic
24/03/2020 22:45 - Highworth Town - Cinderford Town
24/03/2020 22:45 - Moneyfields - Bristol Manor Farm
21/03/2020 03:00 PST Barnstaple Town - Highworth Town
21/03/2020 03:00 PST Basingstoke Town - Frome Town
21/03/2020 03:00 PST Cinderford Town - Thatcham Town
21/03/2020 03:00 PST Cirencester Town - Bideford
21/03/2020 03:00 PST Evesham United - AFC Totton
21/03/2020 03:00 PST Mangotsfield United - Bristol Manor Farm
21/03/2020 03:00 PST Melksham Town - Larkhall Athletic
21/03/2020 03:00 PST Moneyfields - Willand Rovers
21/03/2020 03:00 PST Paulton Rovers - Winchester City
21/03/2020 03:00 PST Slimbridge - Sholing
18/03/2020 03:00 PST Willand Rovers - Cirencester Town
17/03/2020 03:00 PST Moneyfields - Sholing
17/03/2020 03:00 PST Cinderford Town - Basingstoke Town
17/03/2020 03:00 PST Paulton Rovers - Slimbridge
17/03/2020 03:00 PST Thatcham Town - AFC Totton
17/03/2020 03:00 PST Winchester City - Barnstaple Town
14/03/2020 03:00 PST AFC Totton - Melksham Town
14/03/2020 03:00 PST Bideford - Cinderford Town
14/03/2020 03:00 PST Bristol Manor Farm - Basingstoke Town
14/03/2020 03:00 PST Frome Town - Moneyfields
14/03/2020 03:00 PST Highworth Town - Mangotsfield United
14/03/2020 03:00 PST Larkhall Athletic - Barnstaple Town
14/03/2020 03:00 PST Sholing - Paulton Rovers
14/03/2020 03:00 PST Thatcham Town - Evesham United
14/03/2020 03:00 PST Willand Rovers - Slimbridge
14/03/2020 03:00 PST Winchester City - Cirencester Town
10/03/2020 22:45 - Basingstoke Town - Thatcham Town
10/03/2020 22:45 - Cinderford Town - Sholing
10/03/2020 22:45 - Mangotsfield United - Cirencester Town
10/03/2020 22:45 - Larkhall Athletic - Slimbridge
10/03/2020 03:00 PST Moneyfields - Slimbridge
07/03/2020 18:00 - Barnstaple Town - Sholing
07/03/2020 18:00 - Basingstoke Town - Willand Rovers
07/03/2020 18:00 - Cinderford Town - AFC Totton
07/03/2020 18:00 - Cirencester Town - Larkhall Athletic
07/03/2020 18:00 - Evesham United - Bristol Manor Farm
07/03/2020 18:00 - Mangotsfield United - Thatcham Town
07/03/2020 18:00 - Melksham Town - Bideford
07/03/2020 18:00 - Moneyfields - Highworth Town
07/03/2020 18:00 - Paulton Rovers - Frome Town
07/03/2020 18:00 - Slimbridge - Winchester City
04/03/2020 22:30 PST Willand Rovers - Melksham Town
03/03/2020 22:30 PST Paulton Rovers - Sholing
29/02/2020 18:00 - Bideford - Mangotsfield United
29/02/2020 18:00 - Highworth Town - Evesham United
29/02/2020 18:00 - Thatcham Town - Basingstoke Town
29/02/2020 18:00 - Winchester City - Moneyfields
24/02/2020 22:45 PST Melksham Town - Basingstoke Town
22/02/2020 18:00 - AFC Totton - Highworth Town
22/02/2020 18:00 - Basingstoke Town - Paulton Rovers
22/02/2020 18:00 - Bristol Manor Farm - Melksham Town
22/02/2020 18:00 - Cinderford Town - Mangotsfield United
22/02/2020 18:00 - Cirencester Town - Willand Rovers
22/02/2020 18:00 - Evesham United - Bideford
22/02/2020 18:00 - Larkhall Athletic - Winchester City
22/02/2020 18:00 - Sholing - Frome Town
18/02/2020 22:45 PST Basingstoke Town - Moneyfields
12/02/2020 22:45 PST Highworth Town - AFC Totton
11/02/2020 22:45 PST Moneyfields - Mangotsfield United
08/02/2020 18:00 PST Barnstaple Town - Paulton Rovers
08/02/2020 18:00 - AFC Totton - Bideford
08/02/2020 18:00 - Basingstoke Town - Mangotsfield United
08/02/2020 18:00 - Bristol Manor Farm - Highworth Town
08/02/2020 18:00 - Cinderford Town - Winchester City
08/02/2020 18:00 - Cirencester Town - Moneyfields
08/02/2020 18:00 - Evesham United - Melksham Town
08/02/2020 18:00 - Larkhall Athletic - Thatcham Town
08/02/2020 18:00 - Sholing - Willand Rovers
08/02/2020 18:00 - Slimbridge - Frome Town
05/02/2020 22:45 PST Larkhall Athletic - Cinderford Town
04/02/2020 22:45 PST Winchester City - Highworth Town
04/02/2020 22:45 PST AFC Totton - Paulton Rovers
04/02/2020 22:45 PST Sholing - Bristol Manor Farm
01/02/2020 18:00 - Bideford - Slimbridge
01/02/2020 18:00 - Frome Town - AFC Totton
01/02/2020 18:00 - Highworth Town - Basingstoke Town
01/02/2020 18:00 - Mangotsfield United - Evesham United
01/02/2020 18:00 - Melksham Town - Cinderford Town
01/02/2020 18:00 - Moneyfields - Barnstaple Town
01/02/2020 18:00 - Paulton Rovers - Cirencester Town
01/02/2020 18:00 - Thatcham Town - Bristol Manor Farm
01/02/2020 18:00 - Willand Rovers - Larkhall Athletic
01/02/2020 18:00 - Winchester City - Sholing
28/01/2020 22:45 PST Cinderford Town - Bideford
27/01/2020 22:45 PST Melksham Town - Sholing
25/01/2020 18:00 - AFC Totton - Bristol Manor Farm
25/01/2020 18:00 - Bideford - Thatcham Town
25/01/2020 18:00 - Cirencester Town - Sholing
25/01/2020 18:00 - Larkhall Athletic - Mangotsfield United
25/01/2020 18:00 - Melksham Town - Highworth Town
25/01/2020 18:00 - Moneyfields - Paulton Rovers
25/01/2020 18:00 - Slimbridge - Barnstaple Town
25/01/2020 18:00 - Willand Rovers - Frome Town
25/01/2020 18:00 - Winchester City - Evesham United
22/01/2020 22:45 PST Larkhall Athletic - Moneyfields
21/01/2020 22:45 PST Cinderford Town - Bristol Manor Farm
18/01/2020 18:00 - Basingstoke Town - AFC Totton
18/01/2020 18:00 - Bristol Manor Farm - Bideford
18/01/2020 18:00 - Evesham United - Cinderford Town
18/01/2020 18:00 - Frome Town - Cirencester Town
18/01/2020 18:00 - Highworth Town - Winchester City
18/01/2020 18:00 - Mangotsfield United - Slimbridge
18/01/2020 18:00 - Paulton Rovers - Larkhall Athletic
18/01/2020 18:00 - Sholing - Moneyfields
18/01/2020 18:00 - Thatcham Town - Melksham Town
11/01/2020 18:00 - Barnstaple Town - Basingstoke Town
11/01/2020 18:00 - Cirencester Town - Cinderford Town
11/01/2020 18:00 - Larkhall Athletic - AFC Totton
11/01/2020 18:00 - Moneyfields - Bideford
11/01/2020 18:00 - Paulton Rovers - Evesham United
11/01/2020 18:00 - Sholing - Mangotsfield United
11/01/2020 18:00 - Slimbridge - Melksham Town
11/01/2020 18:00 - Willand Rovers - Thatcham Town
11/01/2020 18:00 - Winchester City - Bristol Manor Farm
04/01/2020 18:00 - AFC Totton - Winchester City
04/01/2020 18:00 - Basingstoke Town - Sholing
04/01/2020 18:00 - Bideford - Frome Town
04/01/2020 18:00 - Bristol Manor Farm - Barnstaple Town
04/01/2020 18:00 - Cinderford Town - Paulton Rovers
04/01/2020 18:00 - Evesham United - Larkhall Athletic
04/01/2020 18:00 - Highworth Town - Slimbridge
04/01/2020 18:00 - Mangotsfield United - Willand Rovers
04/01/2020 18:00 - Melksham Town - Cirencester Town
04/01/2020 18:00 - Thatcham Town - Moneyfields
01/01/2020 18:00 - Barnstaple Town - Mangotsfield United
01/01/2020 18:00 - Cirencester Town - Highworth Town
01/01/2020 18:00 - Frome Town - Cinderford Town
01/01/2020 18:00 - Larkhall Athletic - Bristol Manor Farm
01/01/2020 18:00 - Paulton Rovers - Melksham Town
01/01/2020 18:00 - Sholing - Thatcham Town
01/01/2020 18:00 - Slimbridge - Evesham United
01/01/2020 18:00 - Winchester City - Basingstoke Town
01/01/2020 16:00 - Moneyfields - AFC Totton
01/01/2020 16:00 - Willand Rovers - Bideford
26/12/2019 18:00 - Bideford - Barnstaple Town
26/12/2019 18:00 - Evesham United - Cirencester Town
26/12/2019 18:00 - Thatcham Town - Winchester City
26/12/2019 16:30 - Highworth Town - Larkhall Athletic
26/12/2019 16:00 - Bristol Manor Farm - Willand Rovers
26/12/2019 16:00 - Cinderford Town - Slimbridge
26/12/2019 16:00 - Melksham Town - Frome Town
26/12/2019 15:30 - Mangotsfield United - Paulton Rovers
21/12/2019 18:00 - Barnstaple Town - Evesham United
21/12/2019 18:00 - Cirencester Town - Basingstoke Town
21/12/2019 18:00 - Frome Town - Thatcham Town
21/12/2019 18:00 - Paulton Rovers - Highworth Town
21/12/2019 18:00 - Slimbridge - AFC Totton
17/12/2019 22:45 PST Bideford - Melksham Town
17/12/2019 22:45 PST Barnstaple Town - Larkhall Athletic
14/12/2019 18:00 - Bideford - Highworth Town
14/12/2019 18:00 - Cirencester Town - Barnstaple Town
14/12/2019 18:00 - Evesham United - Basingstoke Town
14/12/2019 18:00 - Melksham Town - Mangotsfield United
14/12/2019 18:00 - Thatcham Town - Slimbridge
14/12/2019 18:00 - Winchester City - Willand Rovers
10/12/2019 22:45 PST Cirencester Town - AFC Totton
07/12/2019 18:00 - Barnstaple Town - Melksham Town
07/12/2019 18:00 - Basingstoke Town - Bideford
07/12/2019 18:00 - Frome Town - Winchester City
07/12/2019 18:00 - Highworth Town - Thatcham Town
07/12/2019 18:00 - Mangotsfield United - AFC Totton
07/12/2019 18:00 - Moneyfields - Evesham United
07/12/2019 18:00 - Paulton Rovers - Bristol Manor Farm
07/12/2019 18:00 - Sholing - Larkhall Athletic
07/12/2019 18:00 - Slimbridge - Cirencester Town
07/12/2019 18:00 - Willand Rovers - Cinderford Town
04/12/2019 22:45 PST Slimbridge - Larkhall Athletic
03/12/2019 22:45 PST Bristol Manor Farm - Thatcham Town
03/12/2019 22:45 - Bideford - Evesham United
30/11/2019 18:00 - AFC Totton - Evesham United
30/11/2019 18:00 - Bideford - Cirencester Town
30/11/2019 18:00 - Bristol Manor Farm - Mangotsfield United
30/11/2019 18:00 - Frome Town - Basingstoke Town
30/11/2019 18:00 - Highworth Town - Barnstaple Town
30/11/2019 18:00 - Larkhall Athletic - Melksham Town
30/11/2019 18:00 - Sholing - Slimbridge
30/11/2019 18:00 - Thatcham Town - Cinderford Town
30/11/2019 18:00 - Willand Rovers - Moneyfields
30/11/2019 18:00 - Winchester City - Paulton Rovers
23/11/2019 18:00 - Basingstoke Town - Bristol Manor Farm
23/11/2019 18:00 - Cirencester Town - Winchester City
23/11/2019 18:00 - Evesham United - Thatcham Town
23/11/2019 18:00 - Mangotsfield United - Highworth Town
23/11/2019 18:00 - Melksham Town - AFC Totton
23/11/2019 18:00 - Moneyfields - Frome Town
23/11/2019 18:00 - Slimbridge - Willand Rovers
19/11/2019 22:45 PST Bristol Manor Farm - Slimbridge
16/11/2019 18:00 FT AFC Totton 3-4 Cinderford Town
16/11/2019 18:00 FT Bristol Manor Farm 0-3 Evesham United
16/11/2019 18:00 FT Frome Town 2-0 Paulton Rovers
16/11/2019 18:00 FT Highworth Town 6-1 Moneyfields
16/11/2019 18:00 FT Larkhall Athletic 2-1 Cirencester Town
16/11/2019 18:00 FT Sholing 3-1 Barnstaple Town
16/11/2019 18:00 FT Thatcham Town 2-0 Mangotsfield United
16/11/2019 18:00 FT Winchester City 3-2 Slimbridge
16/11/2019 17:00 FT Willand Rovers 4-1 Basingstoke Town
09/11/2019 18:00 FT Barnstaple Town 0-2 Frome Town
09/11/2019 18:00 FT Evesham United 2-2 Highworth Town
09/11/2019 18:00 FT Mangotsfield United 4-2 Bideford
09/11/2019 18:00 FT Moneyfields 0-2 Winchester City
02/11/2019 18:00 FT Frome Town 1-0 Sholing
02/11/2019 18:00 FT Mangotsfield United 1-3 Cinderford Town
02/11/2019 18:00 FT Melksham Town 0-0 Bristol Manor Farm
02/11/2019 18:00 FT Thatcham Town 5-1 Barnstaple Town
02/11/2019 15:30 FT Paulton Rovers 4-2 Basingstoke Town
26/10/2019 17:00 FT Highworth Town 2-5 Bristol Manor Farm
22/10/2019 21:45 FT Cirencester Town 1-2 Frome Town

England Non League Div One - Southern South Puan Durumu

2019/2020 Non League Div One: Isthmian North Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Maldon & Tiptree Maldon & Tiptree 65
2 Aveley Aveley 51
3 Tilbury Tilbury 50
4 Heybridge Swifts Heybridge Swifts 50
5 Bury Town Bury Town 50
6 Coggeshall Town Coggeshall Town 46
7 Great Wakering Rovers Great Wakering Rovers 43
8 Dereham Town Dereham Town 41
9 Cambridge City Cambridge City 39
10 Canvey Island Canvey Island 38
11 AFC Sudbury AFC Sudbury 37
12 Histon Histon 36
13 Soham Town Rangers Soham Town Rangers 34
14 Grays Athletic Grays Athletic 31
15 Witham Town Witham Town 29
16 Hullbridge Sports Hullbridge Sports 28
17 Brentwood Town Brentwood Town 26
18 Felixstowe & Walton Utd Felixstowe & Walton Utd 25
19 Romford Romford 24
20 Basildon United Basildon United 23
Latest updated standings for 2019/2020 Non League Div One: Isthmian North as of 25/04/2020.

2019/2020 Non League Div One: Isthmian South Central Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Ware Ware 64
2 Hanwell Town Hanwell Town 58
3 Uxbridge Uxbridge 55
4 Chertsey Town Chertsey Town 52
5 Westfield (Surrey) Westfield (Surrey) 52
6 Bracknell Town Bracknell Town 50
7 Waltham Abbey Waltham Abbey 50
8 Tooting & Mitcham United Tooting & Mitcham United 47
9 Barking Barking 46
10 Chipstead Chipstead 45
11 Marlow Marlow 43
12 Bedfont Sports Bedfont Sports 39
13 Chalfont St Peter Chalfont St Peter 37
14 Harlow Town Harlow Town 34
15 South Park South Park 27
16 Hertford Town Hertford Town 22
17 Ashford Town (Middlesex) Ashford Town (Middlesex) 20
18 Northwood Northwood 20
19 FC Romania FC Romania 16
20 Staines Town Staines Town 14
Latest updated standings for 2019/2020 Non League Div One: Isthmian South Central as of 25/04/2020.

2019/2020 Non League Div One: Isthmian South East Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Hastings United Hastings United 62
2 Ashford United Ashford United 59
3 Cray Valley PM Cray Valley PM 57
4 Whitehawk Whitehawk 56
5 Herne Bay Herne Bay 51
6 Chichester City Chichester City 45
7 Whyteleafe Whyteleafe 45
8 VCD Athletic VCD Athletic 42
9 Phoenix Sports Phoenix Sports 41
10 Sevenoaks Town Sevenoaks Town 41
11 Hythe Town Hythe Town 40
12 Haywards Heath Town Haywards Heath Town 39
13 Guernsey Guernsey 36
14 Whitstable Town Whitstable Town 35
15 Burgess Hill Town Burgess Hill Town 31
16 Sittingbourne Sittingbourne 28
17 Faversham Town Faversham Town 28
18 Ramsgate Ramsgate 20
19 Three Bridges Three Bridges 18
20 East Grinstead Town East Grinstead Town 10
Latest updated standings for 2019/2020 Non League Div One: Isthmian South East as of 25/04/2020.

2019/2020 Non League Div One: Northern North West Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Workington Workington 71
2 Ramsbottom United Ramsbottom United 61
3 Marine Marine 58
4 Pontefract Collieries Pontefract Collieries 52
5 Marske United Marske United 51
6 Clitheroe Clitheroe 44
7 Mossley Mossley 41
8 Tadcaster Albion Tadcaster Albion 40
9 Trafford Trafford 38
10 Runcorn Linnets Runcorn Linnets 38
11 Brighouse Town Brighouse Town 38
12 Widnes Widnes 37
13 Dunston UTS Dunston UTS 35
14 Prescot Cables Prescot Cables 33
15 Colne Colne 30
16 Droylsden Droylsden 27
17 City of Liverpool City of Liverpool 26
18 Ossett United Ossett United 22
19 Kendal Town Kendal Town 21
20 Pickering Town Pickering Town 16
Latest updated standings for 2019/2020 Non League Div One: Northern North West as of 25/04/2020.

2019/2020 Non League Div One: Northern South East Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Leek Town Leek Town 72
2 Stamford Stamford 70
3 Cleethorpes Town Cleethorpes Town 57
4 Belper Town Belper Town 49
5 Carlton Town Carlton Town 48
6 Stocksbridge Park Steels Stocksbridge Park Steels 47
7 Sutton Coldfield Town Sutton Coldfield Town 44
8 Frickley Athletic Frickley Athletic 43
9 Ilkeston Town Ilkeston Town 43
10 Kidsgrove Athletic Kidsgrove Athletic 39
11 Loughborough Dynamo Loughborough Dynamo 39
12 Worksop Town Worksop Town 38
13 Sheffield Sheffield 37
14 Glossop North End Glossop North End 33
15 Chasetown Chasetown 32
16 Spalding United Spalding United 32
17 Newcastle Town Newcastle Town 28
18 Lincoln United Lincoln United 27
19 Market Drayton Town Market Drayton Town 20
20 Wisbech Town Wisbech Town 18
Latest updated standings for 2019/2020 Non League Div One: Northern South East as of 25/04/2020.

2019/2020 Non League Div One: Southern Central Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Berkhamsted Berkhamsted 64
2 Halesowen Town Halesowen Town 63
3 Corby Town Corby Town 59
4 Welwyn Garden City Welwyn Garden City 51
5 Aylesbury United Aylesbury United 49
6 Biggleswade Biggleswade 44
7 Barton Rovers Barton Rovers 44
8 Yaxley Yaxley 44
9 Bedworth United Bedworth United 44
10 North Leigh North Leigh 42
11 Thame United Thame United 40
12 Bedford Town Bedford Town 40
13 Daventry Town Daventry Town 40
14 Coleshill Town Coleshill Town 36
15 AFC Dunstable AFC Dunstable 34
16 Kidlington Kidlington 33
17 Didcot Town Didcot Town 25
18 St Neots Town St Neots Town 21
19 AFC Kempston Rovers AFC Kempston Rovers 17
20 Wantage Town Wantage Town 4
Latest updated standings for 2019/2020 Non League Div One: Southern Central as of 25/04/2020.

2019/2020 Non League Div One: Southern South Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Thatcham Town Thatcham Town 58
2 Frome Town Frome Town 58
3 Larkhall Athletic Larkhall Athletic 49
4 Winchester City Winchester City 48
5 Melksham Town Melksham Town 47
6 Cirencester Town Cirencester Town 45
7 Paulton Rovers Paulton Rovers 45
8 Cinderford Town Cinderford Town 43
9 Evesham United Evesham United 41
10 Sholing Sholing 38
11 Bideford Bideford 37
12 Slimbridge Slimbridge 35
13 Highworth Town Highworth Town 32
14 Willand Rovers Willand Rovers 32
15 Bristol Manor Farm Bristol Manor Farm 30
16 AFC Totton AFC Totton 29
17 Mangotsfield United Mangotsfield United 28
18 Moneyfields Moneyfields 27
19 Basingstoke Town Basingstoke Town 18
20 Barnstaple Town Barnstaple Town 16
Latest updated standings for 2019/2020 Non League Div One: Southern South as of 25/04/2020.