England Non League Div One - Isthmian South East Results of Matches Played in the Season of 2022-2023

England Non League Div One - Isthmian South East
England Non League Div One - Isthmian South East
2022-2023 Season

Time Status Home Score Away
England Non League Div One - Isthmian South East England - Non League Div One - Isthmian South East ( League )
22/04/2023 17:00 FT Ashford United 1-2 Ramsgate
22/04/2023 17:00 FT Burgess Hill Town 0-0 Beckenham Town
22/04/2023 17:00 FT Cray Valley PM 2-2 Sheppey United
22/04/2023 17:00 FT East Grinstead Town 2-2 VCD Athletic
22/04/2023 17:00 FT Faversham Town 4-0 Three Bridges
22/04/2023 17:00 FT Hythe Town 4-0 Haywards Heath Town
22/04/2023 17:00 FT Lancing 3-1 Sittingbourne
22/04/2023 17:00 FT Littlehampton Town 1-4 Chatham Town
22/04/2023 17:00 FT Sevenoaks Town 3-3 Chichester City
22/04/2023 17:00 FT Whitehawk 1-1 Corinthian
18/04/2023 21:45 - Beckenham Town - Faversham Town
18/04/2023 21:45 - Littlehampton Town - Sevenoaks Town
18/04/2023 21:45 - Chichester City - East Grinstead Town
18/04/2023 21:45 - Cray Valley PM - VCD Athletic
18/04/2023 21:45 - Sittingbourne - Burgess Hill Town
15/04/2023 17:00 - Beckenham Town - East Grinstead Town
15/04/2023 17:00 - Chatham Town - Cray Valley PM
15/04/2023 17:00 - Chichester City - Ashford United
15/04/2023 17:00 - Corinthian - Faversham Town
15/04/2023 17:00 - Haywards Heath Town - Sevenoaks Town
15/04/2023 17:00 - Ramsgate - Whitehawk
15/04/2023 17:00 - Sheppey United - Lancing
15/04/2023 17:00 - VCD Athletic - Hythe Town
15/04/2023 15:00 - Three Bridges - Littlehampton Town
10/04/2023 17:00 FT Burgess Hill Town 2-1 Three Bridges
10/04/2023 17:00 FT Ashford United 0-1 Sheppey United
10/04/2023 17:00 FT Beckenham Town 4-2 Sevenoaks Town
10/04/2023 17:00 FT Chatham Town 2-0 Ramsgate
10/04/2023 17:00 FT Haywards Heath Town 1-2 Whitehawk
10/04/2023 17:00 FT Hythe Town 1-0 Faversham Town
10/04/2023 17:00 FT Littlehampton Town 1-1 Lancing
10/04/2023 17:00 FT Sittingbourne 3-0 Corinthian
08/04/2023 17:00 FT Burgess Hill Town 1-4 Hythe Town
08/04/2023 17:00 FT Corinthian 1-1 Littlehampton Town
08/04/2023 17:00 FT East Grinstead Town 1-3 Sittingbourne
08/04/2023 17:00 FT Faversham Town 2-2 Haywards Heath Town
08/04/2023 17:00 FT Lancing 0-1 Chatham Town
08/04/2023 17:00 FT Ramsgate 1-1 Beckenham Town
08/04/2023 17:00 FT Sevenoaks Town 0-3 Cray Valley PM
08/04/2023 17:00 FT Sheppey United 3-2 Three Bridges
08/04/2023 17:00 FT Whitehawk 2-0 Chichester City
07/04/2023 16:00 FT VCD Athletic 2-1 Ashford United
04/04/2023 21:45 - Chichester City - Ramsgate
04/04/2023 21:45 - Sittingbourne - VCD Athletic
04/04/2023 21:45 - Three Bridges - Corinthian
04/04/2023 21:30 - East Grinstead Town - Whitehawk
01/04/2023 17:00 - Chatham Town - Whitehawk
01/04/2023 17:00 - Cray Valley PM - Burgess Hill Town
01/04/2023 17:00 - Haywards Heath Town - Sheppey United
01/04/2023 17:00 - Hythe Town - East Grinstead Town
01/04/2023 16:00 - Ashford United - Lancing
25/03/2023 18:00 - Littlehampton Town - VCD Athletic
25/03/2023 18:00 - Burgess Hill Town - Chatham Town
25/03/2023 18:00 - Corinthian - Chichester City
25/03/2023 18:00 - East Grinstead Town - Ashford United
25/03/2023 18:00 - Faversham Town - Sittingbourne
25/03/2023 18:00 - Lancing - Three Bridges
25/03/2023 18:00 - Ramsgate - Haywards Heath Town
25/03/2023 18:00 - Sevenoaks Town - Hythe Town
25/03/2023 18:00 - Sheppey United - Beckenham Town
25/03/2023 18:00 - Whitehawk - Cray Valley PM
18/03/2023 18:00 - Ashford United - Hythe Town
18/03/2023 18:00 - Chichester City - Chatham Town
18/03/2023 18:00 - Corinthian - Ramsgate
18/03/2023 18:00 - Faversham Town - Burgess Hill Town
18/03/2023 18:00 - Haywards Heath Town - Cray Valley PM
18/03/2023 18:00 - Littlehampton Town - Sittingbourne
18/03/2023 18:00 - Sevenoaks Town - Sheppey United
18/03/2023 18:00 - Three Bridges - Beckenham Town
18/03/2023 18:00 - VCD Athletic - Lancing
14/03/2023 22:45 - Corinthian - Three Bridges
14/03/2023 22:45 - Whitehawk - Chatham Town
11/03/2023 18:00 - Beckenham Town - Littlehampton Town
11/03/2023 18:00 - Burgess Hill Town - Corinthian
11/03/2023 18:00 - Chatham Town - Haywards Heath Town
11/03/2023 18:00 - Cray Valley PM - Ashford United
11/03/2023 18:00 - Hythe Town - Chichester City
11/03/2023 18:00 - Lancing - Faversham Town
11/03/2023 18:00 - Ramsgate - East Grinstead Town
11/03/2023 18:00 - Sheppey United - VCD Athletic
11/03/2023 18:00 - Sittingbourne - Three Bridges
11/03/2023 18:00 - Whitehawk - Sevenoaks Town
07/03/2023 22:45 - Haywards Heath Town - Three Bridges
07/03/2023 22:45 - Sittingbourne - Chichester City
07/03/2023 22:30 - Burgess Hill Town - Cray Valley PM
07/03/2023 22:30 - East Grinstead Town - Hythe Town
04/03/2023 18:00 - Beckenham Town - Hythe Town
04/03/2023 18:00 - Burgess Hill Town - Whitehawk
04/03/2023 18:00 - Corinthian - Sevenoaks Town
04/03/2023 18:00 - Faversham Town - Chichester City
04/03/2023 18:00 - Lancing - Ramsgate
04/03/2023 18:00 - Littlehampton Town - Haywards Heath Town
04/03/2023 18:00 - Sheppey United - East Grinstead Town
04/03/2023 18:00 - Sittingbourne - Cray Valley PM
04/03/2023 18:00 - Three Bridges - Ashford United
04/03/2023 18:00 - VCD Athletic - Chatham Town
01/03/2023 22:30 - Sevenoaks Town - Littlehampton Town
28/02/2023 22:45 - Chichester City - Whitehawk
28/02/2023 22:45 - Three Bridges - Sheppey United
28/02/2023 22:30 - East Grinstead Town - Cray Valley PM
25/02/2023 18:00 - Ashford United - Littlehampton Town
25/02/2023 18:00 - Chatham Town - Sittingbourne
25/02/2023 18:00 - Chichester City - Beckenham Town
25/02/2023 18:00 - Cray Valley PM - Lancing
25/02/2023 18:00 - East Grinstead Town - Burgess Hill Town
25/02/2023 18:00 - Haywards Heath Town - Corinthian
25/02/2023 18:00 - Hythe Town - Three Bridges
25/02/2023 18:00 - Ramsgate - VCD Athletic
25/02/2023 18:00 - Sevenoaks Town - Faversham Town
25/02/2023 18:00 - Whitehawk - Sheppey United
21/02/2023 22:45 - Hythe Town - Burgess Hill Town
21/02/2023 22:45 - Sittingbourne - East Grinstead Town
21/02/2023 22:45 - Three Bridges - Sevenoaks Town
21/02/2023 22:45 - Ashford United - Corinthian
18/02/2023 18:00 - Burgess Hill Town - Sevenoaks Town
18/02/2023 18:00 - Corinthian - Chatham Town
18/02/2023 18:00 - Faversham Town - Cray Valley PM
18/02/2023 18:00 - Lancing - East Grinstead Town
18/02/2023 18:00 - Littlehampton Town - Hythe Town
18/02/2023 18:00 - Sheppey United - Ramsgate
18/02/2023 18:00 - Sittingbourne - Haywards Heath Town
18/02/2023 18:00 - Three Bridges - Chichester City
18/02/2023 18:00 - VCD Athletic - Whitehawk
18/02/2023 17:00 - Beckenham Town - Ashford United
15/02/2023 22:45 - Chatham Town - Sheppey United
15/02/2023 22:30 - Ramsgate - Faversham Town
15/02/2023 22:30 - Sevenoaks Town - VCD Athletic
14/02/2023 22:45 - Chichester City - Littlehampton Town
14/02/2023 22:45 - Cray Valley PM - Beckenham Town
14/02/2023 22:45 - Haywards Heath Town - Burgess Hill Town
14/02/2023 22:45 - Hythe Town - Sittingbourne
14/02/2023 22:45 - Whitehawk - Lancing
14/02/2023 22:30 - East Grinstead Town - Three Bridges
11/02/2023 18:00 - Ashford United - Sittingbourne
11/02/2023 18:00 - Burgess Hill Town - Sheppey United
11/02/2023 18:00 - Chichester City - VCD Athletic
11/02/2023 18:00 - Corinthian - Lancing
11/02/2023 18:00 - Faversham Town - Whitehawk
11/02/2023 18:00 - Hythe Town - Chatham Town
11/02/2023 18:00 - Littlehampton Town - East Grinstead Town
11/02/2023 18:00 - Sevenoaks Town - Ramsgate
11/02/2023 18:00 - Three Bridges - Cray Valley PM
11/02/2023 17:00 - Beckenham Town - Haywards Heath Town
07/02/2023 22:45 - Beckenham Town - Ramsgate
07/02/2023 22:45 - Cray Valley PM - Sevenoaks Town
07/02/2023 22:45 - Hythe Town - Corinthian
07/02/2023 22:45 - VCD Athletic - Three Bridges
07/02/2023 22:45 - Whitehawk - Ashford United
07/02/2023 22:30 - Burgess Hill Town - Chichester City
07/02/2023 22:30 - East Grinstead Town - Faversham Town
04/02/2023 18:00 - Chatham Town - Three Bridges
04/02/2023 18:00 - Cray Valley PM - Chichester City
04/02/2023 18:00 - East Grinstead Town - Corinthian
04/02/2023 18:00 - Haywards Heath Town - Ashford United
04/02/2023 18:00 - Lancing - Hythe Town
04/02/2023 18:00 - Ramsgate - Littlehampton Town
04/02/2023 18:00 - Sheppey United - Faversham Town
04/02/2023 18:00 - Sittingbourne - Sevenoaks Town
04/02/2023 18:00 - VCD Athletic - Burgess Hill Town
04/02/2023 18:00 - Whitehawk - Beckenham Town
31/01/2023 22:45 - Three Bridges - Hythe Town
31/01/2023 22:45 - Beckenham Town - Chatham Town
31/01/2023 22:45 - Chichester City - Lancing
31/01/2023 22:45 - Littlehampton Town - Faversham Town
28/01/2023 18:00 - Ashford United - Chatham Town
28/01/2023 18:00 - Burgess Hill Town - Lancing
28/01/2023 18:00 - Chichester City - Haywards Heath Town
28/01/2023 18:00 - Corinthian - Sheppey United
28/01/2023 18:00 - Hythe Town - Whitehawk
28/01/2023 18:00 - Littlehampton Town - Cray Valley PM
28/01/2023 18:00 - Sevenoaks Town - East Grinstead Town
28/01/2023 17:00 - Beckenham Town - Sittingbourne
28/01/2023 17:00 - Three Bridges - Ramsgate
24/01/2023 22:45 - Faversham Town - Beckenham Town
24/01/2023 22:45 - VCD Athletic - Sittingbourne
21/01/2023 18:00 - Chatham Town - Beckenham Town
21/01/2023 18:00 - Cray Valley PM - Hythe Town
21/01/2023 18:00 - Lancing - Sevenoaks Town
21/01/2023 18:00 - Ramsgate - Burgess Hill Town
21/01/2023 18:00 - Sheppey United - Littlehampton Town
20/01/2023 22:45 - VCD Athletic - Corinthian
17/01/2023 22:45 - Haywards Heath Town - Faversham Town
14/01/2023 18:00 - Corinthian - Beckenham Town
14/01/2023 18:00 - Faversham Town - Chatham Town
14/01/2023 18:00 - Lancing - Haywards Heath Town
14/01/2023 18:00 - Ramsgate - Sittingbourne
14/01/2023 18:00 - Sevenoaks Town - Ashford United
14/01/2023 18:00 - Sheppey United - Hythe Town
14/01/2023 18:00 - Whitehawk - Littlehampton Town
10/01/2023 22:45 - Littlehampton Town - Corinthian
07/01/2023 18:00 - Ashford United - Burgess Hill Town
07/01/2023 18:00 - Chatham Town - East Grinstead Town
07/01/2023 18:00 - Chichester City - Sheppey United
07/01/2023 18:00 - Cray Valley PM - Ramsgate
07/01/2023 18:00 - Haywards Heath Town - VCD Athletic
07/01/2023 18:00 - Sittingbourne - Whitehawk
07/01/2023 17:00 - Beckenham Town - Lancing
02/01/2023 18:00 - Corinthian - Sittingbourne
02/01/2023 18:00 - East Grinstead Town - Chichester City
02/01/2023 18:00 - Faversham Town - Hythe Town
02/01/2023 18:00 - Ramsgate - Chatham Town
02/01/2023 18:00 - Sevenoaks Town - Beckenham Town
02/01/2023 18:00 - Sheppey United - Ashford United
02/01/2023 18:00 - VCD Athletic - Cray Valley PM
02/01/2023 18:00 - Whitehawk - Haywards Heath Town
02/01/2023 16:00 - Lancing - Littlehampton Town
02/01/2023 16:00 - Three Bridges - Burgess Hill Town
27/12/2022 16:00 - Cray Valley PM - Corinthian
27/12/2022 16:00 - Sittingbourne - Sheppey United
26/12/2022 18:00 - Chatham Town - Sevenoaks Town
26/12/2022 18:00 - Haywards Heath Town - East Grinstead Town
26/12/2022 17:00 - Hythe Town - Ramsgate
26/12/2022 16:00 - Ashford United - Faversham Town
26/12/2022 16:00 - Three Bridges - Whitehawk
26/12/2022 15:30 - Littlehampton Town - Burgess Hill Town
17/12/2022 18:00 - Ramsgate - Chichester City
17/12/2022 18:00 - Sheppey United - Haywards Heath Town
17/12/2022 17:00 - Lancing - Ashford United
10/12/2022 18:00 - Ashford United - VCD Athletic
10/12/2022 18:00 - Chatham Town - Lancing
07/12/2022 22:30 - Sevenoaks Town - Whitehawk
06/12/2022 22:45 - Hythe Town - Sheppey United
06/12/2022 22:45 - Beckenham Town - Chichester City
03/12/2022 18:00 - Ashford United - Chichester City
03/12/2022 18:00 - East Grinstead Town - Beckenham Town
03/12/2022 18:00 - Faversham Town - Corinthian
03/12/2022 18:00 - Lancing - Sheppey United
03/12/2022 18:00 - Sevenoaks Town - Haywards Heath Town
03/12/2022 18:00 - Whitehawk - Ramsgate
03/12/2022 16:00 - Hythe Town - VCD Athletic
03/12/2022 16:00 - Littlehampton Town - Three Bridges
03/12/2022 16:00 - Cray Valley PM - Chatham Town
03/12/2022 15:30 - Burgess Hill Town - Sittingbourne
26/11/2022 18:00 - Chatham Town - Littlehampton Town
26/11/2022 18:00 - Chichester City - Sevenoaks Town
26/11/2022 18:00 - Corinthian - Whitehawk
26/11/2022 18:00 - Haywards Heath Town - Hythe Town
26/11/2022 18:00 - Ramsgate - Ashford United
26/11/2022 18:00 - Sheppey United - Cray Valley PM
26/11/2022 18:00 - Sittingbourne - Lancing
26/11/2022 18:00 - Three Bridges - Faversham Town
26/11/2022 18:00 - VCD Athletic - East Grinstead Town
26/11/2022 17:00 - Beckenham Town - Burgess Hill Town
22/11/2022 22:45 - Littlehampton Town - Beckenham Town
22/11/2022 22:45 - Sheppey United - Burgess Hill Town
19/11/2022 18:00 - Ashford United - Haywards Heath Town
19/11/2022 18:00 - Beckenham Town - Whitehawk
19/11/2022 18:00 - Burgess Hill Town - VCD Athletic
19/11/2022 18:00 - Chichester City - Cray Valley PM
19/11/2022 18:00 - Corinthian - East Grinstead Town
19/11/2022 18:00 - Faversham Town - Sheppey United
19/11/2022 18:00 - Littlehampton Town - Ramsgate
19/11/2022 18:00 - Sevenoaks Town - Sittingbourne
19/11/2022 18:00 - Three Bridges - Chatham Town
19/11/2022 17:00 - Hythe Town - Lancing
15/11/2022 22:45 - Ashford United - Beckenham Town
15/11/2022 22:45 - Cray Valley PM - Faversham Town
12/11/2022 18:00 - Chatham Town - Ashford United
12/11/2022 18:00 - Cray Valley PM - Littlehampton Town
12/11/2022 18:00 - East Grinstead Town - Sevenoaks Town
12/11/2022 18:00 - Haywards Heath Town - Chichester City
12/11/2022 18:00 - Lancing - Burgess Hill Town
12/11/2022 18:00 - Ramsgate - Three Bridges
12/11/2022 18:00 - Sheppey United - Corinthian
12/11/2022 18:00 - Sittingbourne - Beckenham Town
12/11/2022 18:00 - VCD Athletic - Faversham Town
12/11/2022 18:00 - Whitehawk - Hythe Town
08/11/2022 22:45 - Sheppey United - Chatham Town
08/11/2022 22:45 - Faversham Town - Sevenoaks Town
08/11/2022 22:45 - Whitehawk - VCD Athletic
05/11/2022 18:00 - Ashford United - Whitehawk
05/11/2022 18:00 - Burgess Hill Town - Ramsgate
05/11/2022 18:00 - Chichester City - Sittingbourne
05/11/2022 18:00 - Corinthian - VCD Athletic
05/11/2022 18:00 - Faversham Town - East Grinstead Town
05/11/2022 18:00 - Littlehampton Town - Sheppey United
05/11/2022 18:00 - Sevenoaks Town - Lancing
05/11/2022 18:00 - Three Bridges - Haywards Heath Town
05/11/2022 17:00 - Hythe Town - Cray Valley PM
02/11/2022 22:30 - Sevenoaks Town - Burgess Hill Town
29/10/2022 17:00 - Chatham Town - Hythe Town
29/10/2022 17:00 - Cray Valley PM - Three Bridges
29/10/2022 17:00 - East Grinstead Town - Littlehampton Town
29/10/2022 17:00 - Haywards Heath Town - Beckenham Town
29/10/2022 17:00 - Lancing - Corinthian
29/10/2022 17:00 - Ramsgate - Sevenoaks Town
29/10/2022 17:00 - Sittingbourne - Ashford United
29/10/2022 17:00 - VCD Athletic - Chichester City
29/10/2022 17:00 - Whitehawk - Faversham Town
25/10/2022 21:45 - Ashford United - Three Bridges
22/10/2022 17:00 - Beckenham Town - Three Bridges
22/10/2022 17:00 - Burgess Hill Town - Faversham Town
22/10/2022 17:00 - Chatham Town - Chichester City
22/10/2022 17:00 - Cray Valley PM - Haywards Heath Town
22/10/2022 17:00 - Hythe Town - Ashford United
22/10/2022 17:00 - Lancing - VCD Athletic
22/10/2022 17:00 - Ramsgate - Corinthian
22/10/2022 17:00 - Sheppey United - Sevenoaks Town
22/10/2022 17:00 - Sittingbourne - Littlehampton Town
22/10/2022 17:00 - Whitehawk - East Grinstead Town
19/10/2022 21:45 - Sevenoaks Town - Corinthian
18/10/2022 21:45 - Chatham Town - VCD Athletic
18/10/2022 21:45 - Hythe Town - Beckenham Town
15/10/2022 17:00 FT Ashford United 1-0 Cray Valley PM
15/10/2022 17:00 FT Chichester City 1-0 Hythe Town
15/10/2022 17:00 FT Corinthian 0-1 Burgess Hill Town
15/10/2022 17:00 FT East Grinstead Town 1-3 Ramsgate
15/10/2022 17:00 FT Haywards Heath Town 2-2 Chatham Town
15/10/2022 17:00 FT Three Bridges 2-1 Sittingbourne
15/10/2022 17:00 FT VCD Athletic 2-1 Sheppey United
15/10/2022 15:00 FT Faversham Town 1-3 Lancing
11/10/2022 21:45 - Cray Valley PM - Sittingbourne
11/10/2022 21:45 - Whitehawk - Burgess Hill Town
11/10/2022 21:45 - Three Bridges - East Grinstead Town
08/10/2022 17:00 FT Chatham Town 1-0 Corinthian
08/10/2022 17:00 FT Chichester City 2-1 Three Bridges
08/10/2022 17:00 FT East Grinstead Town 2-0 Lancing
08/10/2022 17:00 FT Haywards Heath Town 0-2 Sittingbourne
08/10/2022 17:00 FT Hythe Town 0-0 Littlehampton Town
08/10/2022 17:00 FT Ramsgate 1-2 Sheppey United
08/10/2022 17:00 FT Beckenham Town 1-2 VCD Athletic
01/10/2022 17:00 - Chichester City - Faversham Town
01/10/2022 17:00 - Burgess Hill Town - East Grinstead Town
01/10/2022 17:00 - Corinthian - Haywards Heath Town
01/10/2022 17:00 - Lancing - Cray Valley PM
01/10/2022 17:00 - Littlehampton Town - Ashford United
01/10/2022 17:00 - Sheppey United - Whitehawk
01/10/2022 17:00 - Sittingbourne - Chatham Town
01/10/2022 17:00 - VCD Athletic - Ramsgate
21/09/2022 21:45 - Corinthian - Ashford United
20/09/2022 21:45 - Beckenham Town - Cray Valley PM
20/09/2022 21:45 - Faversham Town - Ramsgate
20/09/2022 21:45 - Lancing - Whitehawk
20/09/2022 21:45 - Littlehampton Town - Chichester City
20/09/2022 21:45 - Sittingbourne - Hythe Town
20/09/2022 21:45 - VCD Athletic - Sevenoaks Town
20/09/2022 21:30 - Burgess Hill Town - Haywards Heath Town
17/09/2022 17:00 - East Grinstead Town - Sheppey United
17/09/2022 17:00 - Haywards Heath Town - Littlehampton Town
17/09/2022 17:00 - Ramsgate - Lancing
17/09/2022 17:00 - Faversham Town - VCD Athletic
06/09/2022 21:45 - Ashford United - Sevenoaks Town
29/08/2022 17:00 - Burgess Hill Town - Littlehampton Town
29/08/2022 17:00 - Corinthian - Cray Valley PM
29/08/2022 17:00 - East Grinstead Town - Haywards Heath Town
29/08/2022 17:00 - Faversham Town - Ashford United
29/08/2022 17:00 - Lancing - Chichester City
29/08/2022 17:00 - Ramsgate - Hythe Town
29/08/2022 17:00 - Sevenoaks Town - Chatham Town
29/08/2022 17:00 - Sheppey United - Sittingbourne
29/08/2022 17:00 - VCD Athletic - Beckenham Town
29/08/2022 17:00 - Whitehawk - Three Bridges
27/08/2022 17:00 - Ashford United - East Grinstead Town
27/08/2022 17:00 - Beckenham Town - Sheppey United
27/08/2022 17:00 - Chatham Town - Burgess Hill Town
27/08/2022 17:00 - Chichester City - Corinthian
27/08/2022 17:00 - Cray Valley PM - Whitehawk
27/08/2022 17:00 - Haywards Heath Town - Ramsgate
27/08/2022 17:00 - Hythe Town - Sevenoaks Town
27/08/2022 17:00 - Sittingbourne - Faversham Town
27/08/2022 17:00 - Three Bridges - Lancing
27/08/2022 17:00 - VCD Athletic - Littlehampton Town
16/08/2022 21:45 - Beckenham Town - Corinthian
16/08/2022 21:45 - Chatham Town - Faversham Town
16/08/2022 21:45 - Chichester City - Burgess Hill Town
16/08/2022 21:45 - Cray Valley PM - East Grinstead Town
16/08/2022 21:45 - Haywards Heath Town - Lancing
16/08/2022 21:45 - Littlehampton Town - Whitehawk
16/08/2022 21:45 - Sittingbourne - Ramsgate
16/08/2022 21:45 - Three Bridges - VCD Athletic
13/08/2022 17:00 - Burgess Hill Town - Ashford United
13/08/2022 17:00 - Corinthian - Hythe Town
13/08/2022 17:00 - East Grinstead Town - Chatham Town
13/08/2022 17:00 - Faversham Town - Littlehampton Town
13/08/2022 17:00 - Lancing - Beckenham Town
13/08/2022 17:00 - Ramsgate - Cray Valley PM
13/08/2022 17:00 - Sevenoaks Town - Three Bridges
13/08/2022 17:00 - Sheppey United - Chichester City
13/08/2022 17:00 - VCD Athletic - Haywards Heath Town
13/08/2022 17:00 - Whitehawk - Sittingbourne

England Non League Div One - Isthmian South East Puan Durumu

2022/2023 Non League Div One: Isthmian South East Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Chatham Town Chatham Town 79
2 Ramsgate Ramsgate 72
3 Whitehawk Whitehawk 69
4 Beckenham Town Beckenham Town 68
5 Hythe Town Hythe Town 67
6 Cray Valley PM Cray Valley PM 66
7 Sheppey United Sheppey United 65
8 Sevenoaks Town Sevenoaks Town 58
9 Ashford United Ashford United 57
10 Chichester City Chichester City 54
11 Sittingbourne Sittingbourne 51
12 Littlehampton Town Littlehampton Town 45
13 Lancing Lancing 43
14 East Grinstead Town East Grinstead Town 43
15 Three Bridges Three Bridges 42
16 Burgess Hill Town Burgess Hill Town 39
17 VCD Athletic VCD Athletic 38
18 Haywards Heath Town Haywards Heath Town 36
19 Faversham Town Faversham Town 31
20 Corinthian Corinthian 28
Latest updated standings for 2022/2023 Non League Div One: Isthmian South East as of 22/04/2023.