Brazil Gaúcho - 2 2020-2021 Season Fixtures

Brazil Gaúcho - 2
Brazil Gaúcho - 2
2020-2021 Season

No football matches in progress at the moment.

Brazil Gaúcho - 2 Puan Durumu

2020 Gaúcho 2: 1st Phase Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 Glória Glória 7
2 Veranópolis Veranópolis 5
3 União RS União RS 4
4 Igrejinha Igrejinha 4
5 Tupi RS Tupi RS 4
6 Passo Fundo Passo Fundo 3
7 Brasil Farroupilha Brasil Farroupilha 2
8 Cruzeiro RS Cruzeiro RS 1
Latest updated standings for 2020 Gaúcho 2: 1st Phase as of 02/05/2020.

2020 Gaúcho 2: 1st Phase Standings Table

Position Team Points
1 São Paulo RS São Paulo RS 7
2 Inter Santa Maria Inter Santa Maria 5
3 Guarany de Bagé Guarany de Bagé 4
4 Lajeadense Lajeadense 4
5 São Gabriel São Gabriel 3
6 Guarani RS Guarani RS 3
7 Avenida Avenida 3
8 Bagé Bagé 2
Latest updated standings for 2020 Gaúcho 2: 1st Phase as of 02/05/2020.