Fernández Vial Concepción Match Result, Match Score

Copa Chile - Regional 8th finals Football Match between Fernández Vial and Concepción
Fernández Vial 1-1

Overtime : 0-0
Penalties Result : 4-2
Fernández Vial (H.T: 0-0) Concepción
  07/04/2023 22:00  
Stadium: Estadio Municipal Alcaldesa Ester Roa Rebolledo Referee of the Match: C. Garay

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

71' Goal M. Fredes (Goal)
Goal A. Gillard (Goal) 90'
120' Goal from Penalty M. Lopes Acevedo (Goal from Penalty)
Goal from Penalty (Goal from Penalty) 120'
120' Missed Penalty D. Munoz (Missed Penalty)
Goal from Penalty C. Herrera (Goal from Penalty) 120'
120' Missed Penalty C. Valenzuela (Missed Penalty)
Goal from Penalty C. Munoz Uribe (Goal from Penalty) 120'
120' Goal from Penalty F. Lara (Goal from Penalty)
Goal from Penalty R. Fuenzalida (Goal from Penalty) 120'

Players for this match have not been announced yet.

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
30/01/2021 23:00 Fernández Vial 2-1 Penalties Result : 4-2 Concepción 1-1
28/03/2022 00:15 Concepción 0-2 Penalties Result : 4-2 Fernández Vial 0-0
07/04/2023 22:00 Fernández Vial 1-1 Penalties Result : 4-2 Concepción 0-0
18/06/2023 19:00 Concepción 0-0 Penalties Result : 4-2 Fernández Vial 0-0
09/09/2023 00:00 Fernández Vial 1-0 Penalties Result : 4-2 Concepción 1-0
14/04/2024 19:30 Concepción 3-2 Penalties Result : 4-2 Fernández Vial 2-1
25/08/2024 19:00 Fernández Vial 0-2 Penalties Result : 4-2 Concepción 0-1