Ceara Sergipe Match Result, Match Score

Copa do Nordeste - Quarter-finals Football Match between Ceara and Sergipe
Ceara 3-1

Ceara (H.T: 2-1) Sergipe
  27/03/2023 00:00  
Stadium: Estádio Governador Plácido Aderaldo Castelo Referee of the Match: Caio Max Augusto Vieira

Match Information, Highlights and Goal Minutes

Match Goals, Events, Cards and Substitutions

12' Yellow Card Wescley
Goal Erick (Goal) 17'
23' Yellow Card Augusto Potiguar
40' Goal Pedro Henrique (Goal)
Goal Álvaro (Goal) 45'
Player change Danilo Barcelos (In)
Willian Formiga (Out)
Yellow Card Guilherme Castilho 50'
55' Player change Ian Barreto (In)
Miguel (Out)
55' Player change Abner (In)
Junior Timbó (Out)
63' Yellow Card Indio
65' Player change Índio (In)
Flávio Torres (Out)
Yellow Card Willian Formiga 67'
67' Yellow Card Andre Penalva
Player change Arthur Rezende (In)
Caíque (Out)
Player change Álvaro (In)
L. Henrique (Out)
69' Yellow Card Magno
Player change Warley (In)
Míchel Macedo (Out)
80' Yellow Card Andre Penalva
80' Red Card Andre Penalva
80' Yellow Card Dida
83' Player change Pedro Henrique (In)
Afonso (Out)
83' Player change Magno (In)
Jalysson (Out)
Player change Guilherme Castilho (In)
Geovane (Out)
90' Yellow Card Jalysson
Goal L. Henrique (Goal) 90'

Ceara vs Sergipe Team line-ups

Sergipe Starting Lineups
Dida 1
Alisson 3
Ian Barreto 6
Augusto Potiguar 2
André Penalva 4
Diego Aragão 5
Magno 8
Pedro Henrique 9
Wescley 11
Abner 10
Índio 7
Junior Timbó 17
Miguel 14
Flávio Torres 18
Afonso 19
Jalysson 15
Matheus Gomes 12
Fabiano 16
Pablo 13
Coach : Rafael Jaques

Match Statistics

Statistics are not available for this match.

Past Matches between the two teams

Date Home Result Away H.T.
01/02/2022 03:30 Sergipe 0-1 Ceara 0-1
27/03/2023 00:00 Ceara 3-1 Sergipe 2-1
20/02/2025 02:00 Sergipe 0-2 Ceara 0-1